Chapter 23- Being Close.

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Brittany's POV:
I woke up beside Trevor who's warm body was still closely pressed to mine, he was also still drawing shapes on my bare arm.
"Good morning Sunshine." trevor tells me with that deep morning voice.

"Good morning cutie." i tell him.

He doesn't reply, he just keeps drawing shapes on my bare arm, i knew something was wrong i was just unsure of what.

"Did i do something?" i ask worried.

"Uh?" trevor spoke confused.

"Why have you gone all quiet?" i ask.

"I dont want to upset you." he tells me.

I was a little worried, i mean i have no clue what on earth he meant. I just knew it must have been something, i just hope not something i've done or in this case haven't.

"Baby, you wont. Just tell me trev." i plead.

"Okay." he took a deep breath in before continuing. "This morning when i woke up i heard some of the cast talking, they think we went there." Trev tells me quietly.

He was right, i was upset, but not at him, at how quick people are to judge. Who cares? I get up and slip on Trevor's jersey and run my finger tips through trevor's messy bed hair before giving him a kiss then walk off into the living area. I need to set everyone straight.

Trevor's POV:
As Britt gets up and put's on my jersey, i knew she was going to question them. Maybe i shouldn't have said anything, but we didnt do anything so i dont see the issue. I slip on a singlet as im already wearing my boxes and follow britt out into the living area.

"What on earth?" britt yells.

"What's wrong Britt?" jennie asks, everyone looked oddly confused.

"We heard your little conversation's this morning." britt spoke.

Everyone looked embarrassed, obviously they didnt think either one of us was awake.

"We didn't know you guys where awake." jordan spoke.

"Yeah, we thought you were asleep." lamar spoke.

I admit, i didnt really care as much as Brittany did. But if and when we go there i do want it to be private and not have our whole friends group talking about it. Britts feelings were hurt, so i needed to step in and defend my best friend.

"Trevor wasn't i was." britt spoke.

"Guys, lets just calm down." vic spoke as everyone was yelling.

"OKAY ENOUGH!" I say over the top of everyone.. I wrap my arms around britt as i go to speak.

"Here's the thing, Brittany and i didn't do anything. We talked and cuddled which isn't a crime, and we were both really hot so we took our clothes off, but we were both fully covered." i tell them.

Everyone looks shocked. Logan looks at britt's neck really oddly.

"Why does Britt have a bite mark on her neck then?" Logan asks..

I didn't think i  put that there as i was trying not to, but i knew that i did. I guess Britt and i got into making out a little more then we thought.

"Who cares? I love you all but stay out of trevor and i's buisness alright?" britt tells them before running off into the bathroom i let myself in.

Brittany's POV:
I go into the bathroom and stare at my neck, where Trevor bit me un-intentionally. I run my hands over it as i remember flashbacks from last night, us making out.
" "Trev, stop bitting me." i tell him.
"But you're neck is so tasty." trevor tells me.
"You're going to leave a mark." i tell him. He suddenly stops.
"Doesn't mean i dont want you to continue" i tell him. I was enjoying it.
"I probably will leave a mark!" trevor tells me.
"I dont care." i tell him giving him another rough kiss. ''

I smile to myself, how close we were. I loved every second of it. Trevor soon wraps his arms around my petite waist.
"Why you smiling?" he asks me.

"I know how i got this." i tell him referring to the bite mark.

"I told you i would but you allowed me to continue." he tells me.

"I dont care the mark will go away. Even if it never did, we were so close trevor and that feeling is indescribable." i tell him happily.

I wasn't embarassed i nearly went "there" with my best friend, he meant the world and he reassures me.

"Me either, baby." trev tells me kissing my bite mark.

"No you're my baby." i tell him gently giving him a passionate kiss.

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