Chapter 22- Heated.

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Warning: making out/talk scenes.

Brittany's POV:
When i spoke, i knew what i was saying i also knew i was ready atleast i think anyway? I just want Trevor to be close to me, and enjoy my company.

Trevor's POV:
The offer made me worry, maybe more then it should have. The idea wasn't bad, i was all for it but i knew britt wasn't so sure a few weeks ago.

"Not tonight Britt." i tell her.
She gets up.
"Why?" she asks me.
"Dont get me wrong i'd love to." i tell her.
"But no with me right?" britt asks.
"With you yes, just not tonight pretty." i tell her.
"When then?" britt asks me.
"In time." i tell her.
"Baby, im sorry." britt tells me.
Being called baby by britt was cute!
"You dont have to be pretty." i tell her.
"Yes, i just wanted you to enjoy my company." britt replys shyly.
"Trust me i do britt." i tell her.
"Really?" britt asks.
"Yes are you crazy? I always love your company." i reassure her.
"Kissing is out of the question then?" britt asks cheekily.
"Not for you." i tell her.

I didn't want to go there with my girl, on her birthday when she was a little tipsy, when we're both sure and the idea gets brought up again then yeah probably, but not tonight after all she is the best girl & person in my life.

Brittany's POV:
Having someone who understands me is seriously the best, i dont even know what you'd call Trev & I but what i knew was we have something special.
We make out for awhile, passionately, sweet kisses. It was nice as no one was here to interupt us, it was just me and my boy on his bunk bed making out. I was enjoying it, i knew Trev was too. We both pull away needing air, Trevor breathing heavily.

"Its hot now." trevor tells me.
"Probably because we have been making out for the last hour." i joke.
Trevor takes of his shirt then wraps his arm around me. I stare at his abs, and i trace the outline with my hand.
"Does that tickle?" i ask trev.
"Not really, why you tickleish?" he asks.
"No uh yes maybe." i mumble.
"I take that as a yes." trevor joked.

He carefully lifted up his jersey i was wearing just a little bit, blankets were covering my lower half. And he started tickling me, so i ticked him back. After awhile i was hot, so i take off his jersey and lay beside him.

"Nice lacy bra." trevor tells me.
"Yeah the one i caught you starring at me in." i tell him.
"Can't help how hot you look in it." trev joked.
Usually he'd call me, beautiful, pretty, gorgeous anything other then hot so sometimes it was nice.
"You're not so bad yourself." i reply tracing his abs.
He was tracing the outline of my lace bra with his hands and it made me giggle.
"Britt, baby, you're amazing." he tells me.
"Baby? Huh, thats new." i tell him.
"New for you too." he joked.
I laugh. I give him a kiss on his bare chest.
"Good night my trevvy bear." i tell him.
"Good night my shinning star." he tells me before kissing my forehead.
"Happy birthday baby." he tells me just as we both drift off to sleep.

* * * * *
Trevor's POV:
I wake up with Britt beside me still sleeping like a princess, i didn't want to wake her. But i could hear the cast talk.
"I wonder what those two did last night." Lamar spoke.
"Looks interesting." Logan adds in.
"oh who cares." jennie tells them.
"I doubt they would." vic spoke.
"because people usually just lay with no clothing on cuddling." jordan adds in.

I then realise, it probably looked like britt and i wear Naked as i was wearing no shirt, and Britt was in a strapless lacey bra and undies not that they could see that, they just saw her messy hair and our bare tops as the blankets were covering our lower halfs aswell as our clothes scattered across the end of my bed.

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