Chapter 18- out in the open.

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Trevor's POV;

I haven't really seen or spoken to Britt since this morning when she went for a run, but tonight after the concert I knew I had to so there's no secrets between us.

I was holding Jordan's hand and Brittany's hand, squeezing Brittany's that little bit tighter as we stood on stage to do the final bow. Every time Britt & I perform our duet on stage when she leans down for the dip I always want to kiss her but I can't, especially not in front of screaming fans.

"Thank you Toronto." I call out.

"You were incredible." Britt calls out.

Everyone screams and we wave to them as we hop of the stage, I run after Britt and enter the hair and make up from in which she was sitting talking to Logan and Jennie.

"Hey girls. brittstar can we talk for a second?" I ask shyly.

The 3 girls exchange looks, then they give me a pat on the back as they walk out.

"See you later." they tell us. I take a seat beside britt who's wiping her make up of her face. I take this opportunity and grab it with open arms.

"Great show tonight brittstar." I tell her sweetly.

"It was incredible." britt tells me.

"You know I could have just kissed you on stage." I tell britt honestly.

She looks a little startled, but her sense of humor doesn't stop it.

"I don't think best friends make out on stage in front of hundreds of people, Trev." britt tells me with a laugh. I laughed too.

"I don't think they make out at all Britt, especially not two times with the same vibe we share." I tell britt with a slight laugh.

Her face dropped. It wasn't a joke anymore.

"Wha-t-t what do you mean?" britt asked me puzzled.

"From my understanding best friends don't make out especially not like we did." I tell her honest.

I wasn't sure how to word it, I didn't regret it, but I wanted to get the point across that I liked her in hopes she liked me too.

"I don't get it." britt tells me honestly.

Brittany's POV;

When Trevor brings up us making out, I wasn't sure what he was getting at. I in no way regretted it, if anything I really enjoyed myself and I'd make out with him again if it were to happen.

"Couples make out like that britt, best friends don't." he tells me honestly.

"So what then?" I ask looking shocked. "Didn't you like making out with me?" I ask him.

"No I loved making out with you, and I'd do it again but not as best friends." Trev tells me shyly.

I still was confused, what was he getting at.

"Can you just like tell me straight to the point please?" I ask Trevor a little annoyed.

He went quiet, and nervous. A side I never really saw with Trevor often, mainly when we shared our first "Jiley" kiss though, and they made us rehearse the "kissing" scene of camera, just so were use to the vibe of it. It was easy to kiss him, and i guess that's how my real love for him came into place. He didn't say another peep.

"Trevor you started this conversation can you please finish it?" I ask him a little less irritated.

"I don't know how to tell you this." Trevor started, I nodded for him to continue.

Trevor's POV;

My hinting approach is failing miserably, but it's time it's out in the open.

Brittany's POV;

Someone knocked on the door, it was Jordan and Jennie.

"Come in." I call out. Trevor looks over.

"We're eating dinner at the buffet tonight in the lobby guys." Jennie tells us with a smile.

"Thanks we will be there soon." I tell them with a smile.

They leave and Trevor gets up.

"Where are you going?" I ask him as I stand up.

"To eat dinner." he tells me as If nothing just happened.

I pull his arm back and I grab his hand and lead him to the couch, as i sit with him on the couch.

"We're not leaving this room until you tell me what's going on." I tell him firmly.

He looked shocked, like he had just seen a ghost. He had this legs on the floor as he sat upright, leaning forward, tapping his leg nervously. It made me a tad worried.

"Guess we're not leaving then." he tells me.

"Good, we will sleep here then. It's not like we're not here tomorrow." I tell him.

"Fine." he tells Me.

We sat in silence for 10 minutes before I'd had enough, Trevor needed to speak and he needed to speak NOW.

"You know what I'm hungry, so you better start talking." I tell him firmly.

Our eyes connected, before I quickly looked away. Trevor cleared his throat.

"Promise no matter what I tell you we'll still be best friends?' Trevor asked me.

" I can promise you that." I reply a little lighter. He smiled. I wasn't sure what he was going to say but I knew it must have been something big..

"I was going to wait for your birthday in 3 days Britt, but I'm going to tell you now." Trevor tells me as he grabs ahold of my hands. I nodd allowing him to continue..

"I really like you Britt." he tells me.

"I like you too you dork that's why your my best friend." I reply laughing.

"No Brittstar listen, I like you, like you. As in I like you more then a best friend, I've fallen for you and I'm sorry. I like us being close, I like cuddling you at night, and making out with you, and enjoying your company, I just like you from the tip of your toes to the top of your nose."

What Trevor just told me startled me, I'm a good way, I have been waiting for the longest time to hear him say that and then he did, but I wasn't ready to admit my feelings towards him at least not yet... I got up, Trevor following me as I pace the dressing room.

"please say something britt." he tells me.

"I..I...I.. like...." I tried to speak but nothing was coming out.

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