The Dare

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A/n: just a little warning, I'm not gonna have like smut, but it's gonna have some cursing and like heavy make out I guess? Idk but no smut
Anyway onto the story...

Luke's POV:
"Boys I'm so bored" I say throwing my head back against the couch.

"Let's play truth or dare: extreme edition" Reggie says tapping his bass.

"Or we could practice. Our show is in a week" Alex says. Bobby and Reggie laugh.

"Cmon bro, live a little" Bobby says hitting his shoulder. Alex groans in pain.

"Okay I'm down" I say. Reggie smirks and looks at me.

"Yes! Truth or dare Luke" Reggie says, sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Dare, obviously" I say leaning back again.

"I dare you to date a girl in our music class" He says with a victorious smile. Alex burst out laugh and I shoot him a go to hell look.

"I'm sorry, I just- you don't date" Alex laughs.

He's not wrong, I guess you would call me a bad boy.
I make horrible grades, I ditch class to practice music. I drive a motor cycle. I have a horrific relationship with my parents. It's a whole thing.

"I'll do it" I say. Alex's jaw drops and they all give me looks.

"Okay, I get to pick the girl" Reggie says standing up.

"Wa-wait this is really happening? Your gonna date some random girl cause of a dare? Luke you've lost it" Alex says shaking his head.

"Normally, I don't wanna agree with the over thinker but he's right. Don't you think it's a little, I don't know wrong" Bobby says with a shrug.

"It's just a girl, any girl would wanna date me" I say

"Your such a prick" Alex mumbles and I throw a pillow at him. I turn my attention back to Reggie.

"I know exactly which girl!" He exclaims.


"Julie Molina, she's fucked up so she probably won't give a damn about you breaking her heart"

Oh god, that girl. I know her, she's actually super pretty. Everyone knows her, but not by her name. She's the girl who's mom died. From what I hear, she's an amazing singer but she hasn't sang one more since her moms death.

"Reggie I don't know"

"You agreed" He whines. He's not wrong, I mean what harm can I do anyway?

"Fine, I'll see if I can find her tomorrow"

Reggie jumps up and down like a child. He finally sits down and ask the next person truth or dare. All I can think about is Julie. How the hell am I gonna find her?

Julie's POV:
As soon as the sunrises, I sneak out. I still can't face my dad. I can barely look at them without seeing my mom. I see her everywhere

And before you say anything, he tries. He's there for me. He does everything for me, but I feel like I can't look directly at him. I can't look at my brother either. I grab my guitar. It's been a year since she died. I walk to the beach. Me and my moms special place.

I sit down in the sand, I stare at my guitar and pull my knees closer to my chest. I hear someone and look up. My eyes meet his. Luke Patterson. Shit.

I grab my shoes and starts to put them on. But he sits beside me.

"You go to my school right?" He ask. I nod and stand up.

"Hey wait, I wanna talk to you" I laugh. He gives he a confused look.

"You've never once spoken to me and we've been in the same classes since I don't a really long time. So don't talk to me now" I say grabbing my guitar. I start walking and I hear him behind me.
I can't deal with this, omfg I can't. I whirl around to face him.

"This day is fucking hard enough without you following me" I yell at him and then I start to sob.
I put my guitar down and wipe my tears off but they won't stop. Luke hugs me and I cry more.

God this is so embarrassing. I pull back and he wipes a tear off my face.

"I know you don't know me, but you wanna talk about it?" He ask, picking up my guitar.

"I-Umm it's the day my mom died and I guess it's just hard" I sniffle. He leads me down the way and we walk in silence. He stops abruptly and looks at me.

"I get what your going through Julie. I mean I know what it's like not having your mom"

"How do you know?" I ask

"Me and my mom don't have the best relationship. I know it's not the same but-"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I should probably get going" I say grabbing my guitar. I grab the handle but Luke doesn't let go.

"I could drive you"

"There is zero chance Patterson, maybe another day" I say pulling the guitar from his hands and starting to walk away.

"Another day? Does that mean there will be another?" He yells "i know you can hear me Molina"

I laugh to myself, shaking my head. I walk home, a smile stuck on my face.

At her house

I walk up the path way and see my dad on the phone. When he sees me, he drops it and runs over to me. He hugs me. Like gives me a giant bear.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask.

"Well we couldn't find you and it's your moms- I was worried"

Is he serious right now?

"I'm fine" I say gritting my teeth. He thinks I could ever do something like that. I yawn a little. Then I feel tiredness take over me.

"I'm gonna take a nap, love you dad" I say kissing his cheek. As soon as I'm in my room, I collapse onto my bed. I fall asleep with only one thought in my head, Luke Patterson.

A/n: the first part!! I'm lowkey kinda excited to see where this story goes.

Lots of Love -R

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