Heartbroken and Alone

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2 days. He died 2 days later. When the cancer finally consume him, became him.

3 days earlier
"Julie" my dad yells from his room. I run into his room and he stands there, holding his camera. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to catch my breath.

"Nothing, I just want to go to the beach"

"Dad you need to-" then I remember. He's always talked about if he were to get to choose where he got to die, he would choose the beach. It was my moms favorite place.

"Papa no" I say, my voice small.

"We can have family time Mija" He says "one last outing?"

I feel tears slip down my face. I nod and hug him. He hugs me back, we stand there for a long time.

At the beach
"Wow it's just as magical as I remembered" He smiles as we get out of the car. Carlos runs to the edge of the water and we watch him. We walk down and find a place in the sand. Dad pulls out his camera and takes photos of Carlos. I get up and go play with Carlos. Dad watches us, so happy.

"Mija" he says as we all watch the sunset "could you sing us a song?"

"Sure Papa, anything"

"How about everything has changed?" He says with a soft smile.

"Okay dad"

"That was beautiful Mija" He smiles. I pull out my phone and open the camera.

"Lean in guys" I say, wrapping my arm around Carlos and resting my head against dads shoulder.

I take the selfie, all of us smiling. I look at the time, almost 9.

"We should probably get home" I say, staring at my phones clock.

"Y'all will soon" my dad says. His word hit me in the chest. Y'all. He's not leaving the beach.

"Papa" I shutter.

"Mija, I love y'all more than you can ever know. I know y'all will have the best lives" he says kissing my head. He stands up and I do the same. He starts walking into the water. I hold Carlos hand tightly, tears streaming down my face.

"Julie" Flynn says, snapping me from my trance. I look at her and she walks over to me. She hugs me, I feel my whole soul shatter.

"I can't do this Flynn" I sob.

"Yes you can Julie. Your strong"

I shake my head no "I can't Flynn I can't"

"Carlos, Julie. He needs you"

He does need me, he doesn't have anyone.
I have to be there for him.

"Your right" I say, pulling out of her embrace. I wipe my tears off and walk downstairs without another word. I see Carlos staring off into space. My grandpa and my aunt Tia both take residence in my living room. I turn around the corner and the guys are here? Wtf

"Julie" Luke says, shoving his hands into the pockets of the suit jacket. I don't say one word, i gesture for them to follow me outside.


"We heard about the funeral and-"

"And what? You thought you'd just show up. Honestly Luke, i can't believe you" I snip.

"It was my idea" Alex says, moving infront of the guys "if your gonna yell and be mad at someone, let it be me"

"What are you thinking Alex? I mean I- I'm hurting enough. You shouldn't have come"

"Yeah that's what Willie said"

"You should have listened" I say, crossing my arms angrily.

"I'm so sorry for what happened with your dad" He says in a weak voice.

"Leave, please"

"Julie Cmon"

"Just leave, all of you. I don't want y'all here, you aren't welcome" I say and walk back inside.

That night
"Are you sure you kids don't wanna come live with me in Illinois?" My grandpa ask as I put up the dishes.

"No grand papa, at least not while I'm still in school. Mom and dad wanted me to go here. Thank you though" I say kissing his cheek.

"Okay, call me everyday week ok?"

"K" he kisses my cheeks again and hugs me. He gives Carlos hugs and kisses as well. Then gives us one last goodbye before leaving. My aunt Tia comes and helps me.

"You sure your gonna be able to handle this?" She ask.

"Yeah, papa has the house paid off and bills paid for months. As well as lots of savings"

"I don't mean the money Mija, I mean taking care of Carlos. Your only a kid yourself"

"Hey I'm almost 17" I smile a little. She gives me the seriously look "really Tia, I got it. I'll call you if we ever need anything"

"Okay Mija, I gotta go too. Love you and your Gina get through this"

"Thank you Tia"

Then it's just me and Carlos, alone in this giant house.

"Julie" Carlos says as we're cuddle on the couch watching Disney channel.

"Yeah kiddo?"

"Dads gone, like forever?"

"No kiddo, we won't see him for a really long time. But him and mama are both watching over us" I say, kissing his head. He lays back against me.

How do I tell my little brother his parents are dead?

Why is this so hard?

I wish I had all the answers.

That night and many to come. I didn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes. I saw Luke, or papa, or sometimes even mama.

Just making it harder to let go.

A/n: y'all I'm sorry. I cried a little writing this ngl.
*bumps boxes of tissues* just in case, I mean sometimes the ceilings leak..... just a leaky ceiling.

I love u and your so worth it! -R

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