My Future Forever

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6 months later
"Babe" Nick says waking me up. I smile at him and look outside, it's pitch black.

"What time is it?" I ask groggy.

"It's midnight, I just got back from my parents house and I made sure Carlos was asleep"

"You're the best" I say sitting up and getting off the couch. I wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles at me and lightly pecks my lips.

"I'm soooooo tired" I say with a yawn. We wander upstairs and get into bed. I cuddle Nick as he picks a show.


"I do love you, I truly really love you" I say, my voice feeling small. "I just can't-" I start again but am cut off by a pair of lips smashing against mine. My hands go to his hair until he pins them against the wall. He traces his finger down my neck making me shake before kissing me again.

The next morning
"JULIE" Carlos whines as we pull up to his school
"I don't wanna go"

"Carlos, cmon. It's your first day of school. You have too"

"But you don't, that's not fair"

"Well I'm older. When your older, you can decide for yourself"

"But I am older. I'm in the first grade now"

"Cmon I'll walk you in" I say. He groans but gets out with me. He grabs my hand and uses his other to hold his little lunch bag. He looks so adorable.

Once I say goodbye, I stop by target and pick up some food. I wander over to the clothes section, cause how can I not? I spot a familiar Brunette girl.

"Julie? Is that you?" She says, smiling at me. She drops her close in her hand and runs over to me. She wraps me in a hug. Confused wouldn't even describe what I'm feeling right now.

"Carrie, wow you've changed"

"Yeah I'm not that much of a bitch anymore" she giggles. I laugh too.

"So how's it been with well everything?"

"It's hard but I'm taking it day by day I guess"

"That's good. Well I should probably get going, I'm here with Alex"

"Really? I didn't know y'all were fri-"

"Car, do you think I could be a leather jacket guy?" Alex says turning the corner. His eyes go wide and his face drops.

"Hey Lex" I smile. His eyes light up and he runs over to me, hugging me tightly.

"Julie I'm so sorry about everything"

"It's okay, I missed you Lex"

"I missed you way more. We should totally have a day together"

"Definitely, text me Lex. I gotta go but I'll see y'all later!"

"WE CANT DO THIS. We're getting everyone caught up in this. We're ruining eachother"
I yell, my heart breaking at each word. I don't know if it's cause I know it's true or how much I wish it wasn't. His heart looks like it's shatters, breaking mine even more.

At home
"I just think that maybe y'all should go live with your aunt or grandpa" Nick says.

God, I feel like I have this argument everyday with him.

"Nick, I told you a thousand times I'm not leaving till I graduate"

"But then you won't leave till Carlos is graduated and then you'll never wanna leave"

"It's my decision" I snap. I'm getting tired of this

"But we could move so far away from here. You'd finally be happy instead of being haunted by all the memories"

"If you wanna go, then go" I say, I realize the truth spills out. He looks at me, I can tell he's hurt just by looking at his eyes.

"Nick I'm so sor-"

"It's fine, I Umm think I'm gonna stay at my parents house tonight. I haven't seen them in a while"

"You saw them yesterday" I say as he moves towards the door. He just shrugs and leaves.

Without another thought, I wander over to the drawers and reach to the top of cabinets, pulling out a bottle of wine. I pull out the cork and bring it to my lips. It burns as it goes down my throat.

How can I instantly screw everything up?

Sitting here like this allows my brain to wander. I start to think about Luke.

"Julie, Cmon" he says pulling my arm as we run down the road.

"What could be so important that we have to run? Besides the sun is going down and it's gonna get late"

"Exactly, now come on"

We walk for a bit til we reach a familiar place.

Our picnic place.

"You remember?" I ask stopping.

"Of course, I remember every little thing about you" He says. I give him a kiss on the cheek.

We sit in the same spot as last time. I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me.
I smile as we watch the sunset

"Jules, I got you something" Luke says pulling away from me. He pulls a box from his pocket and my face drops in shock.

"Luke, what's..... happening?"

"I want to be with you forever and I know we're young so I got you a promise ring" He says, opening the box. It's a music note with little diamonds.

"Oh my goodness, Luke it's beautiful" I cheer. He takes it out and slips it onto my finger.

I kiss him passionately, the whole world melting away.

I wander upstairs to bed, laying on top of my blankets. I feel myself start to drift off with only one thought in my head.


A/n: Teehee, love y'all -R

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