A party that ends in disaster

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⚠️TW: Teen drinking ⚠️
Julie's POV:
We pull up to the house snd you can feel the vibrations of the music blasting. I turn too Luke, now I'm nervous. I've never been to a party like this.

"Julie you okay?" He ask, setting his hand on my arm.

"Yeah it's just- I've never been to a party. I know I know I'm such a loser"

"Your not a loser. It's not all it's cracked up to be"

"Then why do you go?" I ask turning myself towards him.

"After umm Sydney died, it seemed like the only thing that could keep my mind off of it"

"I wish I had got to meet her"

"You would have loved her Julie"

"She sounds amazing and Luke, she's be so proud of you" I say. He gives me a slight smile and I lean in, kissing him softly.

"It's party time Jules" Jules, that's what my mom had always called me. I never imagined I could hear the name and smile.

Inside at the party
"Hey you want a drink?" Luke ask, pointing to the kitchen. I nod, that's probably the only way I'll get through this. I stand here awkwardly as he runs away to get a drink.

"So you and Luke" Carrie says now standing beside me. I turn to her and of course her crew. They follow her around and just do what she does. It's so weird. Well Kayla's actually nice. She's in my biology class.

"What about us?" I ask raising my voice slightly over the music.

"Well are y'all like a thing?" She ask.

"So what if we are"

"Well then I wanna warn you-" she starts. At the same time, Luke returns with 2 drinks in his hands.

"Jules, Carrie?" He ask, confused.

"Hi Luke, I was just talking to her. Nothing important though, I'll see you later" she says and walks away. Luke grabs my hand leading me away but my mind travels back. Warn me? Warn me of what?

He pulls me towards the dance floor and i stop.

"I can't go out there" I say looking at the sea of people.

"Please Jules, for me" He begs flashing me puppy dog eyes. I look at the people and then my drink. I put it to my lips ad chug it. I feel the alcohol go down as it burns my throat. I grab Luke's and do the same. I feel it take effect quickly, like really quick. How much alcohol was in that?

"Julie, do you know how much alcohol you just drank?" he ask, in a somewhat scolding tone. I shrug and grab his hand.

"Let's go dance" I yell as my head swims. We wander into the crowd and start to dance. Luke spins me around and I feel dizzy. After a while, I wander off to the kitchen and make myself a drink, a strong one.

"Jules" Luke yells and I wave my arms. I realize he can't see me, i climb onto the island and wave my arms.

"Luke" I yell. He turns and his eyes go wide. He runs over and sweeps me off the counter top.

"Julie what the hell are you doing?" He says angrily. I start laugh and he bites his lip in anger.

"You can't do shit like that, you could have hit your fucking head and went Unconscious" he says.

"I'm fine Luke. God you don't have to be so clingy" I laugh, downing another drink.

"Julie stop, you've had enough" he says trying to grab the cup. His elbow hits it and spills all over me.

"What the fuck Luke" I yell, storming off into the upstairs. He follows me.

"What did I do?" He yells as I run into an empty bathroom, trying to wipe it off.

"This is my moms fucking jacket" I snap, pulling it off and scrubbing it.

"Shit Julie, I'm sorry"

"It's fine just go" I snap.

"Julie be careful with that" he says grabbing my hand.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I say pushing him away. I start sobbing, collapsing in his arms.

Luke's POV:
"Jules it's okay" I whisper on her ear as she sinks down against me. I kiss her head and hold her tightly.

"I miss her Luke" she says, her speech slurring "it's not fucking fair"

"I know Jules, I know" I say rubbing my hand against her cheek. She sits up and pulls my arms off her. She doesn't say a word, just walks down the stairs. I grab the jacket and follow her. She walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of alcohol. I stand there shocked, this is not Julie. She pushes people out of the way as she takes swigs of the drink.

She leans against the car, drink in hand.

"Julie, give it here" I say reaching for the bottle. She slaps my hand away, taking a sip.

"It's mine Luke, get your own" she says, each word a slur. I grab her by the waist and open the door, helping her into the passengers seat. She falls asleep against the window. I slowly remove the bottle from her hand and place it in the grass. I get in and start the drive back.

At her house
Once we get back, I pick her up and she moves her head in the crook of my neck. I kiss her head as I open the door. I look around, all the lights are off meaning everyone's asleep. I mean it is past midnight. I sneak her up to her room and lay her on her bed. I take off her shoes, setting them down beside the bed. I close my eyes as I take off her clothes and put her pjs. She groans rolling over to face me.

"Luke" she whispers "stay" without another word, i join her on the bed. She cuddles with me, resting her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. I pull a blanket around us and drift off to sleep.

A/n: here's another part. Also I just wanted to address something. I've gotten some messages asking me if I was leaving wattpad and I am not. I love y'all so much, if I do ever leave. I'll have a very good reason.

I might be a little slower on posting but I'm still gonna shoot for everyday or every other day.

Y'all legit mean the world to me. It's so easy to feel alone and isolated but I was welcomed into what is such a caring community and made some really awesome friends. Lots of Love -R

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