He could be the one

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Luke's POV:

"So you said your in a band?" Mr.Molina ask.

"Yes I am" I start but then we hear Julie's voice. We share a look and quietly sneak upstairs. We crack the door open and peek in, watching Julie sing Carlos to sleep.

"This is why I love your daughter" I say, smiling as she sings.

"You love my daughter?"

"I do, I truly do sir"

"Good, cause I've never seen her this happy" he says, smiling at the sight of his kids.

"Wait!" Carlos says stopping Julie abruptly "is Luke here?" He ask.

"Yeah he is" she says with a slight smile. Carlos shimmy's up and stares at Julie.

"Well I guess you can stay up another hour if papa is okay with it" Julie says picking him up and sling him on her hip. Me and Ray both look around awkwardly as she opens the door.

"What do we have here?" She ask, sarcastically. We
Both look at her and laugh awkwardly.

"Can I stay up papa?" Carlos ask.

"Of course, how about some pizza" Ray smiles. We all nod and go downstairs.

Later that night
Julie's POV:
"Okay, I'm gonna put Carlos to bed. It was nice to meet you Luke"

"You too Sir" Luke says, shaking my dads hand.

"Oh please call me Ray! I hope to see you around" He says and disappears upstairs.

"Today was so nice" I say walking up to him, putting my arms around his neck. He rest his hands on my hips.

"Yeah, your family is so nice" He says. I lean in and kiss him softly. We pull away and he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.

God, it's so fucking hard to stay mad at him.

"Thank you for being so nice my brother and dad. They really like you Luke"

"Anything for you" He says kissing the tip of nose.

"I should probably get to Bobby's before he freaks out"

"Want me to drive you?" I ask and yawn a bit.

"No Jules, your tired. Get some rest, I love you" He says kissing me one more time before opening the front door.

"Bye Luke, love you more. Text me when you get home okay?" He nods and closes the door. I flop onto the couch and smile to myself. My dad comes down the stairs.

"He's nice Julie" he says sitting beside me.

"Yeah he is"

"I was waiting to tell you something but now is better than ever"

"Okay" I say slightly worried. My dad sits on the edge of the couch and I do the same, facing him.

"Baby I don't know how to tell you this but I'm sick"

"What" I ask, tears filling my eyes.

"I was trying to find a way to tell you"

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice trembling.

"Stage 4 cancer" He says taking my hands in his.

"No no- I mean there's gotta be treatments right" I ask, tears streaming down my face.

"They won't change anything and I don't want y'all to see me like that. You saw momma like that, y'all don't need to see that again"

"Your gonna leave me and Carlos" I whimper.

"I'm so sorry Baby, but you have aunt Tia and you'll have Luke. Your strong and I know you'll be okay" He says hugging me. I sob into his shoulder.

I'm gonna have to raise Carlos by myself.

Luke's POV:
"Look who finally decided to show up" Bobby says as I open the door.

"Yep, I had dinner with The Molinas"

"What! Bro, I thought that ship had sailed" He says running over and patting my back.

"Me too, I thought I blew it but she loves me"

"Dude, did you tell her about the bet?" He ask.

"How can I? She loves me and I love her. It doesn't matter"

"It might" He confesses.

"What? What happened?" I ask him.

"Well we were panicking looking for you. Then we came across Carrie and she asked what was going on. Then she told us she saw y'all leave together and that's when Reggie spilled"

"Shit, shit" I say "you think she would tell Julie?"

"Wouldn't put it past her" Bobby says with a scoff. Just then my phone buzzes in my pocket "it's Julie, I gotta take it"  I say walking outside and picking up the phone.

"Jules, everything okay?" I ask, I hear quiet sobs and sniffles.

"I-I know Umm you just left but Luke. I- I need you-u. Luke- he-he's dying" she says quickly through sobs.

"Hold on Jules slow down" I say starting my way to her house again.

"My-my dad. I-I have to take care of -Car-Carlos" she says. I start to run

"I'll be there soon Jules" I say hanging up.

Back at her house
I open the door and find Julie passed out on the couch. Ray hears me and comes downstairs.

"Luke" He says, with a slight smile "I guess she told me"

"She called me in a sobbing mess, what's going on?"

"Well kiddo, I don't got much time left" he says, his voice breaking.

"Oh god Ray" I say, he gives me a hug.
There it is, Julie's losing the last family she has. First her mom, now her dad.

"Promise me you'll take good care of her"

"Of course I will" I say as I pull away from the hug. He taps my shoulder

"You're a great guy Luke. I'm gonna head to bed, do you mind" he ask gesturing to Julie. I nod and he leaves me walking upstairs.

I walk over to Julie and scoop her up in my arms. I carry her into her room and lay her on her bed. She buries herself into the covers and I lay on the other side. She scoots over and lays her head on me. I wrap my arms around her, tightly.

God I just wish I could protect her from the world. From me.

A/n: I'm very sorry but shits about to get real!

Teehee, lots of love -R

P.S. MoldyMandrill love you babes

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