The Date

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I go through the rest of the day in utter shock. Should I even tell Flynn that the guy I said was just a friend is taking me out? Not to mention we made out. Maybe I won't

"Hey underachiever" she says, sitting beside me in the lunch room.

"Hey disappointment" I say, laughing. Willie sees us and runs over.

"Hey guys" he cheers sitting on the other side of me.

"Hey wils" I say, taking a sip of my Diet Coke.

"Did y'all hear?" He ask

"Hear what?" Flynn ask, taking the cap off her water.

"Luke was making out with someone in an empty classroom" I almost choke on my coke.

"Omg, who?" Flynn ask, leaning in. She's one for knowing the drama.

"No one saw" he says with a shrug. Flynn looks at me, oh god.

"I guess you were right Julie. He's a player for sure. I mean making out with someone on the first day. I wonder what girl would do that" she scoffs.

"Hey, he's pretty hot. I'm not sure about brains but looks. That boy is set"

"Willie" I scold. Luke's actually pretty smart. When we were talking at the coffee house, I got to know all about him.

"What? I'm not wrong. Besides why do you care?"

"Her and Luke are all buddy buddy" Flynn says, sitting on the edge of her seat.

"Oh really? Is our little Julie finally growing up?" He jokes. I roll my eyes and take a bite of my pizza.

"Listen Julie, just at least use protection. I don't need a niece and you don't need a father who won't pay child support"

"WILLIE" I yell, pushing him in the arm. Flynn and Willie laugh their asses off.

"Y'all are seriously disturbed" I snap.

"Y'all really think he would do something like that?" I ask, stabbing my food. Flynn nods taking a swig of water.

"How many girl do you think he's slept with and they got pregnant? I'm sure it's tons and I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a damn about his one night stands"

"What if he asked a girl on a date?"

"Luke Patterson dating. If a girl could actually get him to date or even go on a date, man props to her" Flynn says shaking her head. So much for telling her.

"Yeah" I say, tapping my foot.

"Anyway" Willie says. They start taking about other things but I can't help but let my mind wander. I wonder if they are right about the whole baby thing.
How he really do that?

Luke's POV:
I run over to the guys and sit down at our table.

"I've heard rumor you were making out with someone this morning, care to explain?" Bobby says.

"It was nothing-"

"Dude, your not gonna get Julie if you do shit like that" Reggie says. Alex rolls his eyes.

"Y'all are unbelievable, she has feelings you know and it's just a stupid game of truth or dare"

"It's not just a dare, Reggie will tell everyone and I gotta keep up my image"

"Your an asshole, y'all all are" He scoffs again.

"Alex, we're just having a little fun. Come on live a little" Bobby says nudging his shoulder.

"I just don't think it's right to play with her feelings like that, she has it hard enough"

"Maybe she'll change him" Reggie says hitting his arm.

"I don't think so boys, but I did get a date" I say with a giant smile.

"Really?" Reggie ask, stealing Alexs' water. I nod and see Julie, she's smiling like crazy and laughing with her friends. I get up from my table and start walking towards her table. She's giggling as i approach until her phone goes off.

"I gotta go" she says grabbing her bag and hugging Flynn and Willie goodbye. I follow her out.

in the hallway

"Julie where are you going? is everything okay?" I ask following her. She doesn't answer me, she just continues walking. She runs to her car and starts digging through her bag.

"Damn it, Damn it, Damn it" She yells hitting the car and throwing her bag. She slides down against the side of the car and starts to sob. I walk over beside her and sit down.

"Julie what's wrong ?" I ask, she doesn't answer me. Instead she scoots closer to me and leans on my shoulder. i hold her and she whimpers.

" i can't do it anymore Luke. i know he's trying but i just can't" she sniffles. I grab her hand and kiss it softly.

"tell me what happened"  I say kissing her cheek.

"my dad has to work late again so i have to pick carlo's up and watch him. God Luke im so sorry, i can't come on the date" She says crying into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry" She says again. I pull her around so she's facing me.

"Julie, its okay. I'll bring over some food and we can watch TV, okay?" she nods and i help her up

"could you come with me actually? I- i don't wanna be alone" she ask unlocking the doors. I nod and get into the passengers seat.

At the elementary school

"how old is your brother?" I ask her as we pull up to the school.

"He'll be 6 in a month" She says pulling into the carpool lane. Carlo sees Julie's car and his face lights up. He runs to the car and opens the door excitedly.

"Jules" he yells leaning into the front seat and squeezing her shoulder. 

"how was school baby?" she ask, looking at him in the mirror with a smile. 

"It was great, i played with Lily and we drew pictures of our family" He says with a giant smile across his face. Julie however drops her smile.

"that's great love" she says and turns her full attention to the road. 

"I'm Luke by the way" I say turning back to Carlos. 

"I'm Carlos!" He cheers. We drive in silence for the rest of the time. Julie turns on a movie for Carlo. He soon falls asleep and the movie plays in the background. 

We pull up to her house and she gets out the car. I grab her bag and mine as well as Carlos'. She grabs Carlos and holds him at her side as we all go inside. 

Inside the house 

"Carlos, cmon wake up" Julie whispers in his ear. He does a little yawn and opens his eyes "you got upstairs and watch some tv or play for a while. me and Luke will be down here, we'll order some food later. Okay?" He nods and she lets him go. He races up the stairs and a small smile appears on Julie's face as she watches him. 

"so a movie?" i ask her. She nods and grabs my hand, leading me to the couch. We sit down and she picks Legally Blonde. I put my arm around her shoulders and she lays against my chest. i use my free hand to twirl her hair. Not even 30 minutes later, she's asleep. I let the movie play and let her sleep. I stay there, cuddled with her. 

She's so adorable when she's asleep. So so adorable 

A/N: I hope y'all liked this part! i love the cute moments with Juke.

does anyone else hate algebra with a passion? cause i do. But then again. im more of a ELA person (i mean obviously cause i love to write) 

and i have a slight reading obsession. 

anyway. I love y'all 3000 (and i love you so much more if you get the reference) _R

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