Days like these

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The next day

Julie's POV:
I wake up to rocks being thrown at my window. I look over at the time and it's 4am. I groan as I get up and go to my window. I open it up and I see Luke. I run my eyes in confusion, clearly I'm still tired. I blink a few times and he's still there.

"Julie" he whisper yells. How the hell is he at my house? And why now? I feel a chill jolt through me and I look down at myself. I'm only in a sports bra and shorts. I run over to my closet and grab a hoodie. Great now he's seen my shirtless. I sneak downstairs and go outside. I storm over to him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I say from behind him. He jumps a little and turns to me.

"Good morning" he says with a smile. I roll my eyes.

"Are you a fucking stalker?" I spit in anger. He laughs.

"Your feisty in the morning" He chuckles "and no I'm not a stalker. I just asked around about you"

"What, why?" I ask, wrapping my arms around my chest.

"I wanted to get to know you. Maybe take you on a date" he says, mumbling the last part.

"You wanna take me on a date?" I ask, a laugh escaping my lips. I cover my mouths and looks down.

"What? Your beautiful and smart and talented"

He really thinks that. I look up at him and his eyes meet mine.

"And incredibly sassy, and sarcastic, and fucked up" I say with a smile. He places a hand on my cheek and other on my waist.

"I'll deal with it all" He says, leaning in. Despite all my instincts.

I tell myself, he's gonna hurt you. He's a bad boy.

Julie don't.

He kisses me. It's electrifying. It's like an electricity shoots through me. I pull away and catch my breath. I look up at him. He doesn't say anything, just leans back down and kisses me. This time it's calmer and sweeter. He pulls away and I hug him.

"I don't do stuff like this" I say against his chest.

"Like what?" He ask, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

"Kiss boys I just met" I say looking at him. He smiles at me.

"So I'm special" He beams. I roll my eyes.

"God I hate you" I say pressing my hand against his chest.

"I don't think you do" he smirks. I pull his hands off my waist and walk towards my door.

"Where are you going?" Luke whines, following me. I turn back to him.

"It's cold and I'm tired. Remember you woke me up stalker? I need my beautiful rest" I say dramatically, even adding in a fake yawn for effect.

"So how about that date?" He ask, shoving his hands on his pockets.

"I'll see you on Monday Luke" I say, before walking inside and closing the door.

Luke's POV:
Ok, this girl knows what she's doing. I smile to myself as I walk back to my house. Instead of using the front door, I climb up through my window. It's freezing in my room, ugh. The only downside to leaving the window open. I shut it carefully and crawl back into bed. I hear a knock on my door and squeeze my eyes shut. My mom opens the door and walks over to me.

"Luke, hun. It's time to wake up" she says softly. You wouldn't even know we fight all the time. I open my eyes and sit up, doing a fake stretch.

"Why, it's so early" I say pointing to the clock.

"We have errands to run and I thought we could spend some family time together. Just the four- I mean three of us"

"I'm really tired mom" I say laying back.

"Can you not just do this for us?" She snaps, before I can answer she continues on "I just want us to be a family again. Do you know how hard it was for me?"

Of course I do. I fucking lost my sister.

"No mom I don't, it's not like a lost a sister or anything" I say scoffing.

"GOD DAMN IT LUKE. You better be downstairs in 20 minutes or else"

"Or else what?" I ask taunting her.

"Or else your out of my house. You can't be doing these things, I won't allow it in my house"

Is she serious?

"Then I'll leave" I yell. I push myself off my bed and grab a bag, I frantically throw clothes in it and storm down the stairs. My mom follows after me yelling.

"Goodbye mom" I yell slamming the door and running. She runs after me but I'm to fast. I hear her sob as I turn the corner.

I guess so much for the family coming back together.
I don't know where to go. I decide to do something I haven't in a while. I walk towards the grave and I find hers.

"Hey Syd, it's been a long time" I say, sliding down by her head stone " I umm- I left home. I'm sorry I know I promised I wouldn't but Syd they don't love me. They just miss you" I sit there for a moment in silence.

This is so stupid, she can't hear me.

"I met this girl, she's sweet. Her name is Julie" I think about telling her about the date. But I don't wanna be haunted. It's not the thing you tell your dead sister.

"I really like her, her mom died about a year ago Syd"

"I miss you Sydney. Why did you have to leave me? It's been 2 years, How the hell has it been 2 years?"

"Luke" my mom says coming into the waiting room. Her eyes are bloodshot and filled with tears. I stand up and run to Sydney's room. I look at the bed and then the heart monitor. I run to her side

"Syd, you can't leave me. I need you. We all need you" I hear my mom sob from behind me and my dad whispers something to her. They step outside. My sister shifts a little and her eyes open.

"Luke, I love you. I'll never leave you little man" she says, her voice barely a whisper. I grab her hand and nod. Then her eyes close again and the heart monitor goes flat. I lose my shit. I scream and sob. Doctors come rushing in. I watch as they try to revive her and my mom breaks down beside her. They finally stop and looks at us. I feel myself backing away. I start running out of the hospital

"I'm sorry I didn't stay with mom and dad that night Syd. I just couldn't stay there any longer" I say, my voice trembling. I hear someone quietly sob and I stand up. I start walking and stop.

I see a girl bent over, on her knees infront of a grave. She's holding a bouquet of dahlias.

It's not just any girl either, it's Julie.

A/n: so cheer is not my passion, mostly cause I'm clumsy. I'm back, even though I wasn't gone. I love y'all and that's pretty much it!

Happy April fools I guess -R

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