Love Songs and Apologies 

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Julie's POV:
"Mrs.Molina, can we talk after class?" Mrs. Harrison says as I walk into the classroom. My first day back after everything, Carlos was beyond excited to go back. I guess he wanted to see his friends. Me, I rather be anywhere but here.

"Yeah sure" I mumble walking past her and into a seat at the back. Everyone looks at me, giving me sad looks. It makes me sick, none of them actually care about me. They just think I need someone to feel bad for me, that they need to be sad.

The whole class I stare at the clock, watching it slowly tick as the day grows shorter. Mrs.Harrison rambles on about some famous music artist, not that it matters.

He died, we all die eventually. What's even the fucking point?

Finally the bell rings, everyone starts packing up.

"Okay class, I will see y'all tomorrow when we will examine more works by this legendary artist" She smiles. The class exits, pouring into the hallways and I make my way to her desk.

"Julie, I heard about your dad" She says, standing up and leaning against the front of her desk.

"Yeah, it's fine. Is there something you need?"

"It's about your grades, there slipping" She says "and I know it's a hard time but your failing every class. With last years class and now, you-"

"I know, it's just- it's just hard. I'm now my brothers parent. I'm trying"

"I know, I wanna put you with someone who could help you with school"

"Like a tutor?" I scoff. The last thing I need is a tutor.

"I guess. He's one of the brightest students here. His name is Nick Thompson" She says flipping through some papers. "I think he'll be good for you"

"I-" I start saying but my phone starts to ring. I pull it out and it's Carlos's school, shit.
"I have to go" I say pulling my bag onto my shoulders and running out. I race over to his school.

At Carlos's school
"I am so sorry" I say running inside the office. Carlos sits there, reading a book.

"It's quite alright dear" The superintendent says, she escorts us out. I start driving home as Carlos sits beside me in the front seat. He stares outside and he looks so bummed. Great, I already suck at this.

"Carlos, im so sorry. My teacher wanted to keep me after class and time just got away" he nods and lays his head back against the glass.

"How about some ice cream?" I say, he perks up a little.

"Really?" He ask and I nod. I receive a small smile from him. I drive us to our favorite ice cream place and when we pull up, I see a group of guys from my school. Just great

I lock the car as Carlos runs ahead. I make my way to the door but someone yells at me.

"HEY YOU" one of the boys yells at me. I turn around to him.

"What?" I snap.

"Damn sorry. I was wanted to talk to you" he says holding up in his hands in defeat.

"Sorry, I'm a little bit on edge"

"Yeah, your Julie right?" He ask, I nod. I examine hum with my eyes a little bit. His hair is blonde and he has broad shoulders with are currently covered by a lettermen's jacket. Probably something for football. His eyes are like a hazel brown.

"Well I guess I'll be seeing you around more" he says with a smile.

"Umm yeah no" I say walking inside. I find Carlos in the kids area and we go order.

The next day
I look at the time and go into Mrs.Harrison's room.

"Julis, right on time!" She says cheerfully. I see the boy from yesterday in here. I chuckle, he probably needs the same help I do.

"Julie, this is Nick" Mrs.Harrison says. I stand there in shock, I'm getting tutored by him.

"Oh hell no, nope" I say rushing out of the class room. I'm not getting tutored by some jock who happens to be smart and is gonna judge me for my every move.

"Julie wait" Nick says running after me. I stop in the hallway and spin around to him.

"I'm not getting tutored by you" I say, crossing my arms angrily

"What did I do to you?" He ask.

"I-I don't know. But I know I don't need your help"

"That's funny cause all the teachers say you do" He says in a true dick tone.

"So, what do they know"

"That you have to get caught up to graduate next year" That hits me hard, my parents have always wanted to me graduate. To do what made me happy and have a good life.

"Here's my phone number, I'll text you my address. Come over later"

"Where are you going?" He ask following me to the doors.

"None of your business" I say, before slipping through the doors.

At Home
I send Carlos upstairs and I sit down in the living room. I see a letter on the table and I grab it.

Jules it says on the front. I know exactly who it's from. Without a second thought, I rip it open and search the words.

Dear Jules, I'm so fucking sorry. I should have told you. I was so wrong. I do love you though. All the feelings and everything I said, it's true. I love the way you sing to Carlos. How you cuddled me at night. How you scream love songs on the way to school. How beautiful you looked dancing in the rain. I love everything about you. And I know I hurt you, which is why I'm leaving. I'm not gonna stay here and cause you pain. Just please, don't be mad at the guys. I made them not tell you. They wanted to and argued with me to do it a lot sooner then I did. I hope you can forgive one day, till then I'm not gonna stay.
                                    Love you forever, Luke

A/n: I am so so sorry i haven't been able to update as frequently. I've had a lot of problems this past week but I'm back!!!

I missed y'all :)

Also Nick😏 we'll see where this goes..... hehe -R

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