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After dinner
Julie's POV:

"It was so nice to meet y'all, you are just what Julie needs!" My dad says cheerfully "Mija, I'm gonna get some sleep" He says kissing my head.

"Love you papa" He smiles, shakes the guys hands and runs upstairs. I watch him as he goes up.

I can't believe I'm gonna lose him.

We start cleaning up, well mostly me and Alex. Bobby vegs on the couch while both Reggie and Luke sit on the counter.

"I heard the wildest thing earlier" I laugh, thinking about what Carrie had said earlier.

"Really? Whatcha hear?" Luke says. Alex huffs.

"Luke, gossip is my thing" He says in his famous sarcastic tone. I laugh at him and hand him another plate.

"Anyway?" Luke says with smug eye roll towards Alex. Alex sticks out his tongue in response.

Wow so mature.

"Carrie of all people told me that Luke is only dating me cause of a stupid dare" I laugh. Everyone goes silent and Alex drops the plate in his hand. I look around and they all have panicked expression.

Bobby is now leaning against the chair and Reggie is off the counter. Alex is cleaning the plate us, shaking. I look over to Luke and he looks.... guilty?

"That's crazy right guys? Right Luke?" I try. He looks up at me, with tears in his eyes.

"Jules, I'm so sorry" He stutters.

No no no no, this can't be true. He loves me, he said he fucking loved me.

"You're joking right?" I ask, raising my voice.

"I wanted to tell you-"

"Oh my god, she wasn't lying. Yo-you dated me because of a dare" I say, trying not to burst into tears.

"Julie I-" Alex starts.

"Don't. You knew, y'all all knew. You didn't tell me"


"Don't say that. Don't speak to me. Luke you said you loved me. You said you would never hurt me. You lied again"

"Julie I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Get. Out. Of. My. House. All of you" I yell.

Without another word, they do just that. I slip down into the floor. I sob so much I can't breathe. I cry for what feels like hours. Night goes to day.

That morning
"Dad, are you awa- DAD" I say coming into his room. I see him passed out on the ground. I run over to him and shake him, he doesn't respond.

"Julie" a little voice says from the bed. I look up and see Carlos. His face is red and blotchy with tears.

"Carlos, did you see anything happen?"

"Yeah he passed out, is he okay Julie?" He ask, his small voice laced with fear.

"Go grab my phone from the counter quickly" I tell
Him. He nods and runs downstairs. I pull papa into my arms.

"You can't leave me yet, not like this. Please papa, please just hold on a little more" I whisper to him, tears slowly soaking my cheeks. Carlos sits beside me and hands me the phone. I grab his hand and dial the number

At the hospital
"Molina?" A nurse says coming to the edge of the waiting room. I wave my arm frantically and sit up, Carlos asleep in my lap. I walk over to her with Carlos in my arms.

"Hi, I'm Julie Molina"

"Hi sweetheart, is your mom here?" She ask, looking behind me.

"Shes... she died. It's just us" I say, the lady's heart drops and she lays her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Baby"

"How is my bad?" I say, wanting to change the subject. She grabs some papers and flips through them.

"Well unfortunately, the cancer is spreading a lot faster then they had thought"

"Oh" that's all I can manage. She gives me a sorrowful look.

"At most he only has a few days. I am so sorry. They examined him and it's spread like a wildfire"

"Could we see him?" I ask. She nods and leads me to his room. I stand at the edge of the room, my eyes land on the bed. This can't be my dad, he's all hooked up to machines. He would hate this.

"Mija" he says. I run over to him, laying Carlos in the chair.

"Papa, I'm so sorry"

"Don't be sorry, I was bound to happen. Life really likes throwing punches" he chuckles.

"I don't know what to say"

"Julie, you know I don't wanna lose y'all. I don't wanna leave"

"I know papa"

"But you also know, I don't wanna die in a hospital. Your mom had no choice. I wanna leave Julie. I wanna take y'all home and spend what little time I have left with you kids"

"But papa, they can help you"

"It's not worth it, I rather die happy"

"Okay" I stand up and find the nurse. She looks at me, seeing my face stained by tears.

"Honey, is everything okay?"

"I need to sign his discharge papers" I sniffle.

"He can't leave"

"That's what he wants. He doesn't wanna die here"

"I'll go get those I guess. Your sure?"

"I'm sure"

At home
"Carlos, help dad inside" I tell him as we pull into the driveway. They both get out and Carlos helps him inside. I sit there for a moment, staring at the sky.

Why? Why? Why?

First I lose my mom, then the whole Luke thing and now this: why does the universe hate me?

I pull out my phone and call Flynn

"Hey Julie, what's up?"

"It's over, all of it"


"Luke only dated me because of some stupid dare and my dad is dying. He doesn't have much time at all. Everything is falling apart"

"Julie, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine"

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"You didn't. Bad things happen, you just gotta believe that something good is gonna come out of it"

"What good can come from my dad dying? Or my relationship? Or my mom?"

"Julie, I don't know. I don't have a good answer. I'm so sorry"

"Hang soon?" I ask

"Yes, really soon" she says and I hang up.

Might as well spend my time with him while I can.

A/n: *hands box of tissues*

Y'all, I'm sorry, But...... it's worth it I swear.

I love you all -R

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