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"Julie?" I ask. She whips around and her eyes are filled with tears. I take a step toward her. She walks over to me and collapses in my arms. I hug her back. After a few minutes she pulls back. I swipe my finger across her cheeks, wiping off the tears. She grabs my hand and keeps it on her cheek. Then she suddenly drops it and grabs her bag walking away. I follow after her.

"Julie wait" I say chasing after her. She turns back to me.

"Why are you here? Why the fuck do you keep following me? You don't need too. I don't know if you feel sorry for me or some shit but don't. I don't need you. I don't need someone to comfort me" she yells. I walk over to her.

"I was here visiting umm my sister" I say placing a hand on my back of my neck.

"Oh god Luke, I'm so sorry I don't know. I-"

"It's okay Julie, i don't tell a lot of people"

"You wanna grab some coffee or something, I don't feel like going home yet" She says kicking the air.

"I'm down" I say, grabbing her hand as we walk away. She pulls me and leads me to her car. We get it and she drives us to a coffee shop.

At the coffee shop
"Luke thanks for coming with me" She says sitting beside me on the couch as she hands me a coffee.

"I love spending time with you Julie"

"You don't know me" She says, a little laugh after.

Her laugh is so cute, y'all don't even understand.

"Then tell me about you" I say, smiling at her.

"You really wanna know?" She ask, crossing her legs.

"I really wanna know"

"Fine" she says and starts talking...

Julie's POV:
I walk into the school and look around. Junior year already, Damn. I make my way to my locker and hang up my photos along with my moms last song she wrote to me. I shove my books in and slam the door. I jump when I see someone beside me.

"Luke what the hell" I yell. He chuckles and I cross my arms in anger.

"It's good to see you too" He says.

"You scared me after creepily showing up at my house. Why are you obsessed with me?" I ask, smiling as I lean back on the lockers.

"I still want a chance at that date" He says stepping infront of me. The bell rings and the students all run off to class.

"Luke the bell rang" I say pointing up. He puts his arms on either side of me "why do you have to be so complicated?" I ask

"It's Monday, you said you'd see me" He smirks. God this boy.

"Luke Cmon, we can't be late for our first class of junior year" I say moving around his arm and pulling him with me.

"Who gave you this power?" He ask as a drag him by the arm.

"Me, I did. I'm special like that Luke Patterson" She says. As we walk into the room, she drops my arm and goes to a corner seat. I watch her move as she pulls out her pen and notebook.

"Mr.Patterson, if you wouldn't mind I would like to start my class now. So can stare at Mrs.Molina another time" the teacher says making Julie turn bright red and making the whole class laugh.

"But everyday I start class late is just less class right?" I ask

"Oh Mr.Patterson, is this going to be daily?"

"Well course ma'am" I say with a smile, earning another laugh from the class.

"Please take a seat" i nod and sit in the last seat.

After class
Julie's POV:
As soon as the bell rings, I run out of the class room.
Before I can dodge it, someone comes behind me.

"So Luke huh?" Flynn ask slinging an arm around me "This is what happens when I'm gone for summer. You go and get a boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend, we're just friends"

"Yeah that's why he stared at you" she says punching my arm. I roll my eyes.

"He wasn't, he was just stuck in a stare"

"Yeah at you" she giggles

"That doesn't mean he's my boyfriend, I mean he's a player. He's the bad boy Luke Patterson. No one in there right mind would-"

"Would what?" Luke says, coming up beside us. Flynn smiles and walks away. I look at him, placing a hand on my hip.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a sassy tone.

"I heard my name, so basically you summed me"

"I don't think that's how that works, Lucas"

"Did you just call me Lucas?"

"Better question, did you stare at me in class?" I say smirking. I cross my arms at him and he turns red.

"Umm" He stutters. I bust out laughing.

"Your such a dork, why do people fawn over you so much?" I ask, still laughing. He's face goes serious and he pulls me into a empty classroom.

"Because I can do this really well" he says and kisses me. Things start to get heated. He starts to kiss me more. I back up against a table, steadying against it. He smashes his lips against mine again and picks me up by the waist. I sit on the table and he starts to kiss down my neck. He reaches a spot on my neck and sucks a little making me moan. I cover my mouth and he pulls away. He takes my hand off my mouth and he kisses me again. My hands reach up in his hair. We continue to make out for a moment until the bell rings. I drop my hands and we both pulls away. My heart is pounding out of my chest.

"So how about that date?" He ask, putting a hand out to help me off the table. I roll my eyes.

"Fine, one date" I growl and he smiles widely. I grab my hand and pulls me back, giving me a quick kiss. I pull back and give him a confused look.

"I'll- umm see you later Julie" He says, letting my hand go. I nod and walk out of the classroom. Luke uses the other door and I look back at him while he walks the other way.

Am I really going on a date with Luke Patterson?

A/n: I'm so sorry I couldn't post yesterday, I was at a Easter event in which I made like a billion balloon animals and had to stuff legit 100-150 eggs. Then I went to a concert that my mama has planned so I was really busy!

I love y'all lots and hope you had a fantastic Easter- R

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