Chapter 4

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I finally found my classroom. Luckily I'm in early. Nothing tops coming late on your first day. Some students already are in, chatting happily. I decided to take a empty seat in the back next to the window and gaze out. Some nice view here I gotta say.

After some minutes, the teacher comes in, a friendly looking older man. He askes the students to go to their seats and then turns his attention to me. "And would you be so kind of introducing yourself please, young miss? He says in a friendly voice. Now all are turned to me.

Alright here it goes. I take a deep breath and get up.

You can do it! Show them Lea!

I smile at Luna cheering me on and make my way to the front. After I stand next to the teacher, I take a breath and start my introduction.

"Hi my name is Leona and I had to transfer because..." I stop talking and look to the ground. The teacher puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything you feel uncomfortable with." I nod and he claps his hands together.

"Alright thanks, if you need something, don't hesitate to ask" the teacher says, sending me back to my seat.

Then he starts the lesson. Wolf history. Ugh. I get it it's important but I already had this topic last in my old school.

Hey look at it positivly. You're already smarter than the rest.

I have to hold back laughter after Lunas comment. And I just continue looking out of the window while listening to the teacher and making notes here and there.

After class is over I ask a friendly looking girl for the way to my next lesson. She says it's on her way and takes me there. When we arrive, I give her my thanks and go in.

Again all eyes on me. Teacher asking me to introduce myself and sit next to a guy for experiments.

"Hi Leona. And how is the school so far?" The guy next to me starts talking.

I reconize that voice. I turn to him and see I'm sitting next to Alex.

"Oh hi Alex! I'm sorry I didn't noticed it was you." He starts laughing.

"It's alright. I take it's all pretty overwhelming."

"Yeah it sure is. My classmates seem nice. One even showed me the way here." He pats me on the shoulder.

"See? Told you we don't bite." He winks at me and I smile. Then the teacher scolds us.

"Hey you two, it's nice you get along but please move the chitchat to later." We both lower our heads in apology at the same time and have to hold back laughter, realizing.

With Alex as my partner the class goes by fast and soon it's time for lunch. I brought something with me so I don't have to stand in the que. I talk with Alex while on the way and can't help but feel weird approching the cafeteria.

Ugh Luna the hell? What is that feeling?
I feel dizzy.

It's our mate! Our mate is in there!

What! No way I'm going in!

You have to! We're gonna see our mate!

Luna cut me a break! I can't!

I didn't realize I stopped walking until Alex turns to me. Worry in his eyes.

"Leona? What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" I look at him, clearly he's worried about me and I quickly come to myself and answer.

"No I'm alright. Just got dizzy for a sec." He eyes me, still worry in his expression.

"Have you eaten breakfast? Maybe you're just hungry. And all that exitement about being new and all..."

He's so thoughtful. It feels nice having someone care for you.

"Yeah not much though. I'm not a big eater." He starts laughing.

"Well then let's get you eating! You will feel better I promise!" And he takes my hand and marches through the door without waiting for my answer.

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