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It wasn't long before Jeremy pulled me into a room and hid my brother and I in a closet. I could handle myself. "Stay here and whatever you do, don't move", he ordered then left. It was quiet and I only heard faint noises, along with Alex's ragged breathing. I began to shuffle around and sat down in the closet pulling my legs to my chest. "Hey Sky?", Alex said, "I gotta tell you something", his voice was shakey like a little kid who got caught taking cookies from the cookie jar, "you remember the first time we broke out?", I reminisced about the events under the car that led to the car accident, "yeah, why? Are you still scared? Alex there's nothing to worr--", "no Sky I didn't say I was scared", Alex cut into my sentence, "I... I'm the one who told Uncle Patrick about us being in the facility... he told me later on that night when you were unconscious that some men he knew broke in to save us". I looked at Alex with a puzzled look, "no wonder... you kept this from me?", "I know I know, I'm sorry. I think I told him too much, before they took us in after mom's death I had my cellphone and charger. They never caught me and... and he said that if i told him everything he'd help me out... he already knows we're here", Alex said looking at his shoes. "But Alex Uncle Patrick got shot", "he didn't die, even if he did I'm pretty sure those people he hired know everything", he shot back. I shook my head at him, "Alex why?! How could you be so stupid!", I whisper screamed at him, "why would you do this behind my back? Why trust him so easily?", "because he said not to trust Pace!", he yelled at me. "Alex what are you-", "Sky Pace has been lying to us, he's planning on killing us, we're just bait!" I froze after my last word trying to process what was said to me, "W-What do you mean by bait?" I nervously asked afraid of Alex's answer, "I mean that Pace took us away from our dad just so he could start a war", Alex said. War? Where was all this coming from? It didn't make any sense at all. "Look Sky, dad was a good man and he's gonna die soon so he wanna to see us before he did but Pace wouldn't let that happen so he ran sacked our house right after mom was... shot. He knew someone was in our house that's why he came right before the killer could so worse, he lied to us Sky", Alex let out. "What are you saying? Does that mean that Pace has something to do with mom dying and us not seeing our dad?!", I furiously asked as I got up. Alex stayed silent. I threw the closet door open and opened the room door as soon as I did I spotted Pace to my left looking straight at me wide eyed. Tears started to form in my eyes as I ran straight for him and kneed him in the gut, there was a bang then he started spewing blood all over my leg. I jumped back and fell on my ass in horror. "AAAAAHHHHH", I screamed like I was 8 again then laughter came from the staircase behind where Pace was standing. "SKY!", Alex yelled. I could feel Alex stop in his tracks behind me, it wasn't long until I heard a thud. "Boy oh boy, you kids grew up to be pussies", a voice said. I looked at the figure that appeared behind Pace's now dead body. He was cleaning a pistol he had on an all white suit with a white hat to top it off, he had a mustache and his hair looked like silk. On his fingers were gold and silver rings and he had a little beard. "W-w-who are you?", I asked scared. "Come on now child, even though I was never around don't tell me you don't recognize your own father".

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