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It's been a month since we've escaped now and things are getting settled, I mean we relocated to New York from Utah by road and it took a lot of driving. I just turned 16. My brother had late night talks with my uncle all the time and Kay's attitude was getting really annoying like she'd leave me to die if we were alone. Another thing has been bugging me, my uncle keeps sneaking out at night and Chris keeps staring at me while I sleep, I felt uncomfortable so I told Jeremy and it seems like he told Chris but Chris still stares at me from a distance, he's just close to being confronted by me. I put my hands in my back pockets and felt something rectangle so I pulled it out, it was my USB, I guess these must be the pants I changed out of before my brother's and my escape. "Hey Sky I need your help with something" , I turned my attention to Lilac calling my name, "yeah?", I replied. She told me to come with her to negotiate with some dealer that Uncle knew but it seemed odd to me how they trusted people so easily, I mean we just relocated. I went into my room that I shared with Kay and Lilac to grab my jacket, you see the way the house was set up it looked like a one story but it was really like a two story in a sinkhole like no one knew that our basement was actually the first floor. As I passed the boys' room to grab my jacket, I heard Jeremy and Chris speaking. "Come on man you're making it too obvious, if Pat assumes that she thinks something's up then you're toast", that sounded like Jeremy, "well then keep playing googly eyes with her then maybe that'll keep her occupied", I knew that was Chris. Wait googly eyes? What does that mean? They're weird. I stopped eavesdropping and got my jacket then did I soon meet up with Lilac. Out on the street was hectic and everything felt weird to me, probably cause I'm not used to crowds, I felt clustered. "Come on Sky, catch up", I started speed walking to Lilac watching her bracelet jiggle up and down, she had a collection of em, soon I followed her to a dim alley, we made a couple of turns and then she stopped in front of a dumpster, "come and help me move this thing", I went to her aid and some tall guy came out of nowhere, "Hey you two!", his voice was loud and deep, I kinda jumped but Lilac smirked and told me to come along, I guess that he's been standing there the whole time and moving the dumpster was some weird signal or something. We went in some door that leaded towards the gun shop so I'm guessing that we came from the back door. The tall man went behind the register then he started to stare at me, "hmph", his grunt sounded like he was a smoker. Lilac made weird gestures as if a grown woman, okay see Lilac is younger then I and she's the quiet and shy type but she's over here ready to get down to business. They started talking about more guns to exchange and then some package. In between talking they'd made eye contact and then one of em would look at me. Lilac looked at me and smiled then she brushed my hair out of my face with her finger, I noticed that her bracelet was gone.

We got back by base and my uncle asked me how were my wounds doing, I assured him that they were fine but I still had a scar on my leg though. He asked to examine them so I let him, "I noticed that you've gotten more stronger", he started, "Yeah I have but I'm still kinda weak", I scratched my head a little and giggled, " oh that's great... hey I remember when you were a baby and the doctor said that you had some unknown blood type", I borrowed my eyebrows, "Blood type -P?", I questioned and He said yes and nodded his head while twisting my arm around then Chris came into the room asking to speak to my uncle alone, I rolled my eyes and went to find something to keep me occupied. I told Lilac that her bracelet had fell but she ignored me and just gave me one she really wanted me to wear without my choosing. "Hey Sky" , I turned around looking at Jeremy holding onto two coke bottles, "come here", I followed him upstairs, we barely go up there, "you just came from Michael's shop with Lilac? ", he handed me a coke, "if it was that gun store, then yeah, the people you guys work with are intense starers", he laughed at my response, "that's cause your beautiful" , I blushed and I started to get butterflies, I always felt that way with him, "whatever", I had hit his arm. He smiled then he sat straight, "hey um, Sky", I looked up at him, "uh, how do you feel about me?",... woah, i wasn't expecting that, "what do you mean by that exactly?", he then licked his lips, "well it's cause I like you... a lot and I wanted to know if you felt the same." I felt my heart melt... I think, I never had this conversation with a boy, I never had the time. He looked me in my eyes and then he looked at my lips, then my eyes again. I did the same and then he started leaning in so I waited... I held my breath and it hit me like a bus. My eyes fluttered open and he was laughing at my facial expression cause I guess I turned red, though it was only a peck, it was also my first kiss, I hit him and laughed then he took his coke bottle and opened it, "cheers?", I nodded my head but then I got my bottle too and we drunk till the fizz hit us. "Jeremy!", we turned our attention to Kay, she seemed upset but she wouldn't show it, "you're needed downstairs", she quickly fled the room hiding her face, "uh, I'll be right back", Jeremy said while putting his soda down, I think I may know what's going on with Kay and my relationship. She likes Jeremy too, so, she must be jealous. Oh crap.

I waited on Jeremy to come back but he never did, soon I felt awfully tired and I didn't notice that I fell asleep.

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