I can't function

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I looked at my arm and blinked a couple of times to see a blurry bullet, it felt like time stopped but as soon as I opened my mouth for a yelp of pain, time unfroze. "No don't let her bleed out babosa!", Carlos said as one of his men hauled me over their shoulder while the other men shot back. I guessing this guard was the one that told him about on helicopter on the roof, Juan. On the way out he hit my head on the wall causing my head to spin. I tried blinking and squinting so I could see right but my vision only got worse. Juan that was holding onto my ass and the back of my knees was running while he had other men in each side of him shooting their way through. I tried looking for Alex but I only saw the rest of the world beneath me. We were about 17 stories high, the helicopter made my ears pop. My dad came around the corner of the copter giving out orders then he wrapped a cloth around my arm and we all got in.

We reached an old funeral home and were tied up to hooks on the ceiling and they were straining my arms, I was on my tippy toes with my head down so my father wouldn't see the satisfaction of me crying. "Shit Walter, I looked over my shoulder and in 3 seconds you were gone, what if I got shot, aye? You know about my condition and my suit has dirt all over it", my father complained. I felt his fingers lift my chin up and I gave him a blank look trying to restrain my tears, "aw mehija stop crying, you'll tire yourself out", he said tenderly,, as if he actually cared. Looking at my father I noticed that we had the same eyes, I hate to admit it but my father was a handsome man, I could see how he stole my mother's heart but only by his looks cause his personality didn't match. I turnt my head to avert looking at him but all he did was chuckle then said a few words to his men and left. "Where did he go?", I asked when my father was out of earshot range and Juan cleared his throat, "Pistol vent to go recharge, you know, shower and take a few medications or vhat not", he said, his accent was thick, "you know, I veel pretty bad for you children", he started while walking around Alex and I in a circle, "you were born and had to have negative O blood, in rezult of Pistol having to take it from you", I dropped my head and looked at my shoes, "you fell in love only to know that the one you cared for didn't care much for a you", he said while standing in front of me. "Leave her alone!", I heard Alex say but I don't move my head, at least he's awake. "Now you realize that you have abzolutely nothing to live for, it's pathetic isn't it?", Juan contined, "your place in this world wasn't even needed", his words stung me. In my head I was thinking of how useless and pathetic I am, I was. I wasn't worth anything, I'm not important to anyone, my blood is, but I'm not. I'm too gullible and people think of me as fragile. I didn't feel good right now, I started breathing heavy as if something took over me. I can't function anymore. I can't. I can't. I... can't. "You vere probably hoping to get married and have zex, have you ever had zex?", he asked and I rolled my head up with a smirk, "I've always wanted to try it but sadly no one has anything big enough to satisfy my needs". Juan chuckled and so did a couple of men around him, "vell, vell, vell young miss maybe it is because you vere focused on a boy instead of a man", he smirked and I licked my lips, "do you know anyone man enough?", "Sky what the hell are you saying? Shut the fuck up were in a room full of men", Alex shot at me but I paid him no mind. "As he zaid, it iz a room full of men, any of your choice", he said eyeing me, "ve vere instructed not to kill you but we can satisfy you vhile you still have time". I bit my bottom lip, "do you count?", and he laughed, "of course", he smiled brightly and told his men to take me down so they did as told but left hand cuffs on me."Skylar! Stop, you don't want this!", Alex shouted at me turning red but Juan shushed him and then caressed my cheek, I blushed then we went into a large room with silver drawers and he sat me on a table spreading my legs, "this might be your best choice ever", he said while quickly trying to unbuckle his pants and setting his gun on a table across from us, I spotted a lot of surgery tools, including, of course, a small sharpl knife. My mind went blank. As soon as he bent down to kick off his shoes I grabbed the knife and stood up in front of him, he shot up smiling down at me then I switched our positions laying him on the table, "vow, so you want to be on top?", he smirked and chuckled, I licked my lips and bent down, he closed his eyes expecting a kiss but instead I put my hand over his mouth and then my other hand sliced cleanly through his neck, I smirked after seeing his eyes shoot up and go blank. Blood sprayed all over my shirt, but my shirt was black so I didn't care. I hopped off and grabbed his gun checking the bullets, I spotted his silencer so I put it on the gun then headed out. I had the gun by my side, my expression blank, I wasn't me anymore I felt something else running through my veins, my blood rushed through my body vigorously, I walked in the shadows of a long corridor then did a spot one of my father's men. Quietly but still keeping my pace, I snuck up behind him and tripped him making him fall on his butt, then I got on one knee and wrapped my cuffs around his neck tightly adding more and more pressure while he clawed at my arms and kicked his feet about. I waited, then he stopped moving, I tightened the grip even more just in case he was still alive, I shot him in his chest and picked up his gun, I searched through his body finding a gun holder so I took it and put it around my hips, then I grabbed his silencer and a pocket knife and slid them on me. I continued to walk until I heard murmuring in another room, I opened it and shot five bullets shooting three men, I took their bullets and proceeded to walk, I tied my hair in a high ponytail. On my way back I killed eight men, there are 35 men with my dad right now, I counted so I would know what I'm dealing with. This isn't my first time holding a gun but it was a first to kill someone, I didn't think about it, I refused to, I just kept my mind blank. A man came in my way and knocked my gun out of my hand so I knocked his out too, he formed a fist and tried to hit me but my instincts kicked in and I ducked swinging my feet to his face then cartwheeled to grab my gun and shot him right in between his eyes. These men are pathetic. I threw away the gun and grabbed his cocking it. I came to the main room where Alex was held hostage, it was a chapel. I took in my surroundings earlier so I examined the room while everyone had their back turnt on me, quietly I took the stairs to the right going up into an office, I found explosives and bullets of all sorts. I bent down trying to pick up a shotgun but someone pulled my hair back and tried to choke me with their other hand. I gasped then sucked in my breath, I elbowed him in the rib making his grip loosen around my neck, I took this opportunity to grab it then twisted myself around and kicked him out of the office window into the chapel taking my scrunchie with him, I grabbed another and tied my hair up again, lower than before while I heard commotion downstairs. I grabbed a grenade and threw it in a corner not near Alex then I took the box of shotgun ammo and shot his chain down, he fell on his feet then looked up at me wide eyed then ran to the stairs while the men took cover. I spotted one of the men try to shoot at Alex's leg so I pulled out the pistol and shot him in his chest. Alex had made it up to me so I threw another grenade before taking off his cuffs, "Whoa! Sky what's-", "save it for later", I sharply said cutting him off then I grabbed an semi-auto rifle and shot everywhere. Alex caught on and took the shotgun killing three more men to our plate, he shouted in excitement as he made his first kill. Soon enough I ran out of bullets and as I was going back inside for more someone shot my leg at close range, as I was falling I swung my body around so I'd fall on my back then used my other leg to kick the gun out of the man's hands, he pulled out a knife and began to stab my now gun wound, which was my scarred thigh, I yelped then stomped my foot in his face hearing him grunt, then did I look above me and grab something long and steel, i swung it at his cheek seeing blood spray about. I got up trying to not think the pain on my thigh, atleast it wasn't as bad as my previous injuries. Alex was shooting at the men trying to get up the steps then did I realize that the long steel object i had in my hands was an RPG Launcher, I never shot one of these before. Some how one of the men managed to climb up the window and grabbed my neck, I stumbled back but kept my balance he then punched me in my gut while still on my back, i coughed out spit then headbutted his nose, hearing a satisfying crack, I then used all of my force to haul the man over my shoulder causing him to land all the way across the room. I turnt around grabbing my pistol then shot four other men that tried climbing up the window's drapes. "Sky look out", Alex said as I faced foward and in a split second he was in between me and the man across from me, I flipped him over bt I didn't kill him. He aimed his gun towards Alex's back and I heard a click, it wasn't the sound of his gun, it was the sound of Alex unhooking a grenade then with full force he smashed us out of the window with the RPG in between us. Everything went slow again, even the explosion after we jumped out of the window then I saw a larger amount of blood out of the window falling behind us. BAM, a great amount of impact happened as Alex pulled the trigger of the RPG into the remaining men, the impact of the fire made our bodies go into opposite ways then time caught up as I hit the wall and fire came into my view.

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