The plan

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"What the hell was that?! Why the hell did you shoot Lilac!?", I started to yell in the car. We were driving stable and commonly now, we were on the highway and Jeremy seemed focused, "Listen you, we just saved your life, your so called uncle was trying to turn you in and Lilac didn't care at all about you, they've been planning to turn you guys in since Michael's men broke into the facility you guys were passed out so that Patrick could prepare to you give you guys in", Kay shot at me, I shook my head, "no he did not, what did you do to him? You're lying, tell me why are you doing this", I started turning red, "Listen! Patrick wanted to give you to Carlos so that you'd eventually die, when you went to Michael's with Lilac they were over examining the package, which is you and your brother", I burrowed my eyebrows, "What are you...", I began to remember when Lilac dropped her bracelet, maybe when she was moving the can... but was it on purpose? "She put the tracker in your bracelet hooked to another that was in the one she was wearing this morning, they followed your tracker and if Jeremy didn't put that sleeping potion in your drink then we couldn't of saved you", "sleeping potion?", Alex asked, "we gave you both sleeping potion to make your breathing reduce and your body life less, they thought we poisoned you and you were dead, Michael got angry and started shooting but then you woke up sooner than we thought", no wonder why I thought that Alex was dead. "So why'd you guys hide it from us, we could've died!", Alex sounded a little pissed, "we weren't supposed to tell you guys, we were planned to go by what Patrick told us but we were against him all along ever since we met him, we tried to catch him so Jeremy and I devised a counter plan, I hated the fact that Sky kept kissing up to their asses though", Kay glared at me. I always thought she hated me. "You should've still told us", I added last with a stern look. Alex seemed really pissed. "And to think I looked up to that man", he shook his head in his stupidity, how were we supposed to know about all of this.


We stopped near a ledge and the car got silent, it looked like a make out type cliff in movies, there was another car parked beside us. We'd been driving for hours and gas was getting low. I had shaken off a lot of shock that I was in but my arm started to burn, "ouch!", I pulled my sleeve up exposing my red stained arm, "oh shit, Sky you were shot!", Alex's eyes widened, "no shit!", I shot back. "Calm down, I'll take out the bullet, this car must have at least something useful here", Kay assured. I opened my door careful not to bump my arm into anything and sat in the back with Kay, she found a first aid kit. I examined the car, jeep to be exact, it reminded me of the military jeeps back at the facility, while looking I spotted a black laptop. "Now stay still, this is gonna hurt you", Kay told me, how nice. "Owww!", the alcohol stung my second layer skin, "hold still, here", she gave me a towel to bite on, "Fuck!", "Shut up and put the towel in your mouth", Kay demanded as I shrieked when she slowly took the bullet out. It took a lot of crying but she got rid of it and wrapped my arm up in bandages. "There, and stop crying that's not gonna cut it right now", she went back to the front to speak to Jeremy. I wiped my tears and tried to block out the pain from my arm, Kay said the bullet wound wasn't that big and I wouldn't have needed stitches, I leaned against the side of the car but my curiosity took the best of me so I grabbed the laptop. It opened with only 25% of charge remaining, I had no internet connection but I thought I'd lurk around on it. My ass started hurting so I tried to figure out what was under me, making me feel uncomfortable and little did I remember, it was my USB. I decided to plug it in since I was bored. I found the recording that was supposed to fool Pace and the other guards, it was supposed to be the last file... but it wasn't. Oh yeah, when I ejected it something jumped onto my USB, I clicked it and a whole bunch of letters and numbers popped up, it must've been some secret FBI information. My eyes scanned through thick text until... I saw my name. I burrowed my eyebrows, and clicked it, my whole information popped up, I'm talking weight, height, DOB, you name it. It said Mother Deceased and father unknown, it had events I didn't even know about. I decided to click back and read from the top, "Destruction of property done in over 14 states, all leading down a pattern, who are the Scriptures?", I let my finger swirl through the cursor, "Bombs planted in unknown places, passports leading to Asia, 500+ lives lost, immigrants blow up base 18975" . What is going on? Why are Mexicans and African Americans travelling together now? There seem to be nuclear bombs planted in Asia and somewhere in the 14 states in America, no one knows where this suspicious group is headed next so they've alerted China. Wait... why was my name in this? I scrolled down to where my name was found later on finding Alex's, I skimmed through it, "Skylar G. Rivers held hostage, bombers seem to fall back then demand for her release along with Alexander D. Rivers, bombers haven't been heard from in 6 months after Theresa F. Reed's death, Captain Paul VanCault(Pace) gained custody until bombers have been detained, sector 7 is to ask bombers for their purpose but they make effortless progress, all is heard is 'the world must die'. State officials have been alerted", I silently read aloud, a map of places popped up and the list of main bombs and switches were there too, it was last updated September 25th. Oh no..., "Sky, what are you doing?", "Kay I found something come see it", my voice was shaky. Kay came in the back with Jeremy and Alex, before they could even look at the screen the laptop shut down, the battery died. I explained to them what I saw on my USB and how it got there, "Kay they've got the locations", Jeremy started, "with this they can stop whatever's happening", "wait, aren't you guys in the scriptures?", Alex asked but Kay said that they weren't and that they were spies trying to figure out what the plan had been, they met Patrick 5 months ago. While we were talking something started moving around the bushes, "we gotta go", Jeremy alerted us but instead of taking the Jeep he broke into the car next to ours and we left, I safely placed my USB in my sock.

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