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I woke up on a cold steel surface, I turned to my left and my right waiting for my vision to recover. My head hurt like hell, and my throat felt dry, I sat up in a small rectangular room, my head throbbed. On the side of the room was a door with a square in it. I felt my forehead discovering stitches and sucked in my nose, it smelt like blood in here and it was rusty and leaky in this room, the walls were a faded yellow, the floors look like they've never been mopped, and the ceiling looked like it could fall at any moment. I hopped to my feet but quickly dropped to my knees, I had stitches on my thigh in the same cut but thinner, I bit my knuckle and forced myself up the steel surface,  it was stained with blood. I stood up straight and I felt shivers down my spine and rubbed my neck trying to remember what happened.  Something... hit me. My eyes got wide and I started to panic, I leaped at the door and banged on it, "let me out! Somebody get me out somebody, anybody." I heard my echo and it sounded like nobody was around for miles, I noticed that the metal square in the door could open due to it feeling hollow. I peeped out into a grey corridor with only one light bulb shining off light in the whole hallway. It seemed to rock back and fourth. I tried to open the door but it was locked with a rusty lock followed by a chain. I couldn't fit in between the small crack that formed. I searched around the room trying to look for something to break the chain, I spotted a wet wrench in the corner of the wall, I limped over to it and back to the door, I remembered using full force from training, with that I broke the rusty chain. I opened the door and it let out a small squeal then did a man in a black suit stop me dead in my tracks, "Where do you think you're going?", I gulped and held my breath before the man jolted and fell on top of me, "ahh, fuck!", it felt like my spine broke but the pain soon went away when I noticed Jeremy holding a knife with blood on it, blood soon stained my shirt. Jeremy rolled the fat ass off of me and then helped me up, "are you okay?", he asked calmly, I blinked my eyes a couple of times before he grabbed my hand and we started jogging further into the corridor and then we reached a door at the end. "Sky, I want you to know that everything's gonna be okay and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you", he said this as if something bad was about to happen, on the other side of the door I heard more gun shots and when Jeremy opened it, it was a massacre. He held my hand dragging me behind him and ducked behind some box and crates, it looked like we were in a barn or a warehouse or something. "Kay you good down there?", Jeremy had an earplug in and his smirk made me assume that Kay was doing fine, he handed me a knife, "Sky I'm gonna need you to learn how to use one of these", he gave me a ninja sword and I gave him an 'are you serious look', "I lived in a facility for 6 months, learning how to use this is mandatory" , he smiled down at me and then started shooting away, "stay behind me!", he commanded and I obeyed. We ran as he shot down man after man, and we were headed towards Kay and Alex! I didn't know he came, well of course he would. One of the men threw a grenade in the air in between Jeremy and my feet, Jeremy acted fast and pushed me out of the way while he jumped towards the other way, a big boom went through my ears and Styrofoam flew all over me. I got up to follow Jeremy but there was a gap of men blocking us. I was about to panic but I held my ground and got ready for one of the men coming at me, I dodged him in a spin move and sliced his back as he fell on the floor in pain, woah, I thought to myself, I never knew training would pay off. I turned slightly just to see my next opponent swinging his fist towards my face, dodged it and kicked his groin causing him to grab it, then did I trip him. I was getting good at this. I looked up on the staircase and noticed that it was a clear path to Kay and Alex's way, I took my chances and headed for the staircase. I was stopped by a hand forcibly pulling at my shoulder, I swirled under it and grabbed it then sliced the man's wrist, he held it in pain and I kicked his chest holding the railings for support, he fell on three other smaller guys and I continued up the stairs, it wasn't until the fourth step I took that my chin hit the steps hard cause someone pulled my foot. I looked down at the man holding onto my ankle and I noticed some boxes, I threw it at him but he kept his grip, I brought my other leg around smacking him on his cheek, he let go clearly knocked out and I proceeded up the steps on my hands and toes. After reaching the top I felt someone grabbed my hair, "ahhh!", I yelped, I really hate having my hair pulled, I stabbed my knife into his thigh as he etched a bellowing yell followed by cursing, I took the knife out and cut his thumb, he let go and cocked his fist back for a punch,  I leaned my head to the side avoiding the hit then sliced his wrist to his arm joints, I then 360 kicked him in the jaw, I heard a crack, it sounded icky and I didn't want to see the outcome of what I done so I continued running, I shielded my face with my arms as another grenade was thrown below me causing more dust and Styrofoam to float up, I looked up in time to see another culprit, I ducked as he launched forward tripping over me, I sliced his two ankles so that he wouldn't get up anymore, I looked behind me noticing more men trying to get over the big man that fall down the stairs, oh no I think I killed him, I spotted a big crate and ran to it hoping to push it to the stairs to block off the bad guys.  The crate was heavy but I pushed myself to moving it,  I headed towards to other side of the steps but it was blown off, all hope wasn't lost though, there was a barrel the size of a well with water under me, I thrown myself down in cannon ball position. I got out and gasped, the water was so cold, I crawled out and was greeted by Kay running to my aid. "Sky, are you okay?", she asked concerned, I nodded and she led me outside with Alex behind, wait where's Jeremy. I searched around and then Jeremy emerged running from the building no later than 3 seconds, the building blew up. I stared in amazement as sparks were flying everywhere, I don't know if it was because I was cold but I knew for a fact that I was trembling. Jeremy ran right towards us, no actually he ran right smack towards me, he chest packed a punch, "come on you guys we gotta go now, now, now!", Jeremy ordered and we ran, I don't know where we were going but I followed.


We've been walking for a while and we seen ambulances heading towards where we came from followed by police sirens, I don't know why but I was starting to get pissed off. "Okay so if we keep walking for about 3 miles then--", "what!", I stopped Kay from talking, she looked at me and cocked her head back,  "I don't wanna walk anymore, I don't wanna do anything anymore", Jeremy stopped in front of me, "why, Sky you know we gotta keep moving", I stomped my foot, "look Jeremy I don't care, I'm cold, I'm wet, I got blood stains all over me, my head hurts, I'm dirty, and I got scars all over me. My body really hurts, what else is there, I just wanna go ho...", I paused and took a breath, I put fists down knowing that I couldn't finish that sentence, "home?", I turned to Alex with big eyes, I really didn't feel like crying right now, "hey taxi, right here!", my eyes widened seeing Jeremy haul a cab and directing us to get in, Kay and Alex went in just like that and I followed, I guess we all were tired of walking cause they didn't make a fuss about getting in. We rode in silence and I could feel my adrenaline slowly go away replaced by pain, I winced every time we hit a bump in the road. I can't believe I got abducted and we made it out, I stared out the window, I wonder where we're going. I can't deal with anymore surprising I don't think my mind will be able to register it.

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