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We reached a police station and Jeremy talked to them about what happened, we were brought to a big guarded building in the back, it looked like prison. As we went in there was a lot of head nods coming from different guards and everything, I was brought in a room with Kay and she began stripping, "Sky the showers are on the left side, meet you in", Kay said then she lefted in a towel. I took off my T-shirt and put my soggy hair in a bun, then I slowly took off my shorts, my thigh was aching like crazy, something in a plastic bag fell out of my back pocket, it was my USB, I gotta give it to the head captain here. I wrapped a towel around me and followed Kay's directions to the showers, I closed my stall and hung my towel. The water rushed down my body I looked down to see dirt rushing down the drain mixing with blood and sweat. I felt relieved, I felt relaxed as I leaned my palms on the shower walls. My hair draped all down my back and the burning of my wounds made everything feel like progress. I started to think, I thought of my mom and my life. My life is pretty messed up now, I believe I'm scarred now I mean I broke away from the government only to find out that this gang wants me for some reason to bomb the world, then I get trapped by the government again. Maybe after I show this to the Sargent here they'll let me go, for good.

I grabbed some shampoo and soap and began lathering. After my hour shower I put on some clothes Kay brought out for me, a black long sleeve, black skin tight jeans, and black combat boots, also a plaid jacket. When I walked out of the room I noticed that she was wearing the same. "Skylar come to the cafeteria", Kay said pulling me out of my thoughts, I tied my red plaid long sleeve around my waist and followed. As I walked I heard murmurs from the guards and they stared at me fearfully... but why? I felt like an agent or something, I was so busy studying the guards' faces that I hit my forehead on Kay's back, "watch where you're going, why are you nervous?", Kay asked me. I looked at Kay as she was like 3 inches taller than me and put my hand over my forehead, "I don't know I- I mean everyone keeps staring at me and-", "don't be. They mean no harm", Kay said cutting me off and then we sat next to Alex and Jeremy, I put my head on his shoulder and intertwined our fingers, I could here his heartbeat quicken. We ate then we were sent to commander's office, "Commander we've arrived", Jeremy said as we entered the room, their so called commander was turned around in his swivel chair, just by me looking at the back of his head I felt like I've seen this view before. "Jeremy, Katyana, you both have done well", he said and in the corner of my eye I saw Alex's head shoot up then the commander turned around.... Pace ? "Pace!?!", Alex said and Pace smiled, "Alex you're alive", "the hell yes I'm alive, you were gonna leave us to die out there", Alex shouted but Pace just chuckled and averted his eyes to me causing me to stiffen, "Skylar I believe you have something for us", he said in a deep voice, Pace sounded weird he was acting weird too. "Pace since when were you the commander of this headquarters? You were with us, remember? Back at the facility", I said, low key I didn't want to give the USB to him. "Enough with the questions, just give me what's in your possession Skylar", "No. Answer me first", I said as sternly as he did, he looked like a bad guy but Jeremy and Kay trusted him. "I run two offices, this was my regular until I was assign to guard you both", he said calmly, I didn't believe him. "Now, the device?", he said with a chuckle but I took a step back, "". He stood up not smiling what so ever and was making his way towards me. "Commander, commander sir there's been a breach in the lower unit, gunfire has been included", a guard that was out of breath said coming in at the right time. Pace glared at me then followed the soldier out, what's up with all these break ins, isn't this supposed to be guarded?

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