"wah that part is so hard" after hoshi demonstrate that jump and spinning part. "you're fine with that?" Hoshi asked. "yeah, I can do it. There's a reason I'm in performance unit" Aera said while smirking. Aera then tried to do that part and she did it it succesfully! The boys claps and cheered for her. "that's my baby yall" said jeonghan. "Yah! that's our little sister" scoups told jeonghan. Aera laughed and then the members throw aera in the air "WHAT! YOU GUYS! HAHAHA" aera screamed. "GUYS! EVERYONE CAN DO IT FOR SURE! WHY ARE YOU GUYS CELEBRATING IT!" Aera asked them while they still throw aera in the air. "cause we love you!" Jun said happily. Every member agree with Jun.
Suddenly, Jinhwan enters the room. He is so surprised to see them like this. All of them back to their own position including aera to greet their manager. "HYUNG! GOOD MORNING!" All of them said. Jinhwan replies with good morning. "Seems like you guys are in a good mood but I need to see Aera" Aera is confused because Jinhwan usually called scoups if they had a problem. "Aera follow me" Aera then drink her water bottle before leaving the practice room. The boys are confused to but they just let it be.
While walking with Jinhwan
"am I in trouble?" asked aera. Jinhwan said without looking at aera, "we'll see"
They walked pass through doors until they reach to that one office. surprisingly, Aunt Sangmi was there too.
"Imo-nim? Why are you here?" Asked Aera while taking a sit beside her aunt. The manager also take a seat.
Aera look at aunt sangmi. Searching for answer. Aunt sangmi's eyes tells that it is not a good news.
"I want you to leave seventeen" Aunt Sangmi said.
"WHAT?" Aera said in disbelief.
"manager-nim? what is this?" aera look at her manager.Jinhwan wanted to say a word but got cut by aunt sangmi, "aera, it hasnt been 2 years and you already admitted twice in hospital" aunt sangmi said.
"okay, there's nothing wrong with that. That can't be the reason I'm leaving seventeen" Aera said. aunt sangmi said, "you're anaemic, aera" still convincing aera to leave seventeen. "imo-nim! Why do you always using that as an excuse? The last time I listen to you, i was in elementary school and i missed my school life because of that. I REGRET IT A LOT! Imo-nim... I beg you, please let me do what i love for once." Aera stands up while disagreeing with her aunt."Aera calm down. Take a sit" Her manager said.
Aera look at her manager, " manager-nim, please.. This is my life.. Singing and dancing is my life. Please don't let me leave seventeen"
her manager sigh. "this is up to you aera.. Your health is important too but so are your dreams." her manager said his opinion on this. "imo-nim.. I wont leave seventeen no matter what" Aera said.
"no." aunt sngmi said. "what?" aera asked. "I said no! No matter what, you'll still need to leave seventeen! the boys, the company, they dont care about you!" aunt sangmi said. Aunt sangmi's face are turning red from this. She's frustrated with Aera not listening to her.
"we do care about aera, maam" Her manager cut off aunt sangmi.
"this is between me and aera!" Aunt sangmi telling aera's manager not to interrupt them. "If you guys really care about Aera, she wont get sick! You guys cared for her just for entertainment purposes. You guys dont even care about her health! The boys are just the same! cruel and craves for money!!" Aunt sangmi said, even insulted the boys.
"IMO-NIM" Aera had enough of Aunt Sangmi.
"don't you even dare say anything about them!! They are the one who care for me!! They know what I want and respect me! i feel loved when I'm with them" Aera defending them.
"oh god.. What the boys had gotten into you?" Aunt Sangmi asked.
"I don't care. No one can make me change my mind." Aera getting the door knob to get out of the room.
"Aera! you leave this room and I'm no longer your aunt!" Aunt Sangmi said to stop aera from leaving this. This makes aera to stop from getting the door. Aunt Sangmi is the only family she ever had. She never met her parents. Her parents died at a young age. Aunt sangmi raised her all this time.

SEVENTEEN 14TH MEMBER || memeydwies
Fanfictiony/n is the only girl in seventeen. She started to join seventeen during their don't wanna cry comeback. being the only girl in seventeen she receives a lot of criticism