The next day comes...
All members are at the dorm..
All of them look at Aera who is still unconscious.. The others who take care of Aera are asleep in the sofa.Scoups wake them up by touching their shoulders.
"Guys... Go to the dorm now.. Take your shower and rest. We will take care of her." Scoups said to them.
Mingyu, Seungkwan, Dokyeom and Minghao nodded.
Before they leave the room, they take a look at Aera. "when will she wake up?" Minghao asked.. But no one answered since they also don't know the answer.
"we'll be back" Mingyu said and leave the room with dk, seungkwan and minghao.-------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------- ---------
The others sit on the sofa, Woozi, Hoshi, and Jeonghan goes to buy some food.
"Did Aera's aunt know about this?" Vernon asked them.
"You mean aunt Sangmi?" Jun asked.
"Yess, aunt SangMi" Vernon replied.
"Probably. I told Younghwan hyung. Maybe hyung already told her" jun said.Then, sejeong entered. The boys greeted her. Sejeong immediately goes to Aera..
"aera..." Sejeong look at Aera.
"What did the doctor said?" Sejeong asked them.
"She's in a comma." Scoups answered Sejeong..
"oh god.." Sejeong said.
Sejeong look at Aera and pat her head.. "Aera.. I know you're strong.. You will wake up soon, right??" Sejeong said.After a while, they sit together on the sitting area.
"So how are you and your baby, noona??" Seungkwan asked.
"we're doing fine" Sejeong smiled at seungkwan.
"I won't be long here.. My husband will pick me up soon" Sejeong said.
"Okay" The boys said.
"I read an article aboutbaera last night, it said that she did suicide attempt. But this morning, an article came out saying that her manager attempted to kill her. Which one is true? Tell me what happened" Sejeong asked them.
"when we came to the dorm.. It looks like she did suicide attempt... But the letter that she send to us does not look like her handwriting. Luckily, mingyu put camera in aera's dorm. And we-" Scoups explained but then got cut by sejeong.
"Mingyu whatt???" Sejeong are surprise that mingyu out camera on her dorm.
"Calm down noona.. He didn't put the camera with a bad intention" wonwoo said.
"Okay, continue" Sejeong asked scoups to continue.
Scoups continue to explain what happen, "and we found out what happen by the video. Mijoo noona tried to kill her." Scoups said.
"Oh god.." Sejeong said and put her hand on her head. She can't believe what happened to Aera.Then Sejeong's phone ringing.
Sejeong answered the phone and talk to the caller.
"he's here.. See you guys again." Sejeong said. The boys wave to Sejeong and sejeong waves back at them.
Before sejeong leaves the room, the door opened before sejeong could open it.
"Oh. Noona!" Hoshi said. The three of them, woozi, jeonghan and hoshi greet sejeong after bought some food.
"Noona, come join us. We've bought some food" Woozi said to Sejeong.
"it's okay. Thanks btw. My husband is here already. see you guys later." Sejeong said.Sejeong smiled and then leave the room.
-------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---
After the boys eat, Mingyu, dk, seungkwan and Minghao entered the room.
"She haven't wake up?" Mingyu asked as soon as he entered the room.
"sadly, no." Vernon said to him.
"Have you guys take your breakfast? You guys should take a rest first before you came here.. "Jeonghan asked them.
"We did" minghao said and approach them.
"So who's gonna take care of Aera for today??" Scoups asked.
"Me" Joshua volunteered himself.
"Joshua and?? 3 more." Scoups said.
Wonwoo raised his hand.
"joshua, wonwoo.. 2 more" scoups said.
Both woozi and hoshi eye contacted. Both of them communicated through eyes and both of them nodded.
"me and woozi" Hoshi said.
"All right.. So, Joshua, wonwoo, woozi and hoshi will be taking care of Aera for tonight." Scoups said and all of them agreed.

SEVENTEEN 14TH MEMBER || memeydwies
Fanfictiony/n is the only girl in seventeen. She started to join seventeen during their don't wanna cry comeback. being the only girl in seventeen she receives a lot of criticism