"You guys are invited to MAMA 2017"
A manager said."wooo!!!"
"CARATS HERE WE COME!!!"All of them are so happy that they are invited to a big award show.. They did attend last year(2016) for MAMA 2016, but this year, they are going to attend and perform it with Aera. So this year, it might feel a little bit special because of Aera.
"You guys will have 3 months to practice. So spend your time well by practicing. Give your best during the performance" a manager said
"We will!" all 14 of them said
"Do your best" a manager said before leaving the meeting room.
"Thank youuu!!!" They said before leaving the meeting room.."MAMA.. Woww" Aera said..
"Yeppss we are going to perform there!" Dino said.
"You guys collab with gfriend right, last year?" Aera asked Dino
"Yepp! If you are a part of gfriend, you probably will attend and perform with us!" Dino said
"then i won't be part of seventeen and perform with you guys this year" Aera said, smiling to Dino.
"you're right" Dino said.
"Let's have a dinner with us" dino invited aera to have dinner with the boys.
"im sorry, maybe next time.. I need to do my homework.." aera refused invitation from dino.
"Righhhtt.. Luckily, i already graduated. Hahahaha" Dino said.
"whatever!! Im going to leave this hell in 3 yeaars! Ugh!" Aera said..
"Enjoy your school life" Dino said while entering the car with aera.
Aera just smiled with what dino just said.(Aera are in the car with Vernon at the front, Mingyu and Dk sitting at the middle seat, seungkwan and aera at the back with dino in the middle)
They all stays silent playing with their phone. Aera starts the conversation, "I really hope my school life to be better"
"what do you mean?" dino said looking at her eyes.
"well, i can't join any activities when i was in elementary school, such as school trip or camping.. I only join it once which i remember nothing." Aera said answering dino's question..
"what do you mean you remember nothing?" Seungkwan then asked aera making all members in the car to focus on Aera.
"the last thing i remember was, i was playing with my friends while in a school trip and suddenly i was in the hospital.. That's all i remember.." Aera said making the members to get worried for you..
"and that's when I discovered I was anaemic" Aera continued
"You have anaemia??" Dk asked aera
"yeah.. But it's not a really serious condition.. I'm okay now tho.. I havent experienced any symptoms eversince i entered high school.." Aera said.
"but it might come anytime right?" Mingyu asked..
"urm.. Maybe?? If i don't drink enough water, or not taking enough iron types of food, it might come again.." Aera answered mingyu's question.
"We need to take care of our little maknae" Dk said..
"gooshh.. Stop worrying! It's been years.. And i can take care of myself.." Aera said
"Don't tell anyone about this please.." Aera said
"why?? The others need to know too." Seungkwan said..
"Noo.. The hyung line might tell our managers about this.." Aera said..
"you mean you didn't tell the managers about this?" vernon asked.
"Yeah.. Just please.. I might get kicked out because of my anaemia.." aera said
"what??" Mingu asked..
"before i joined you guys, i signed an agreement.. I must be completely healthy to become part of seventeen or I can join seventeen. I havent experienced the symptoms for years, so I signed it.. Im sorry." Aera said..
"just please dont tell anyone about this.. Only you guys know about this.."
Aera said begging them to not tell anyone about her disease.. "
"Don't worry.. We won't tell anyone about this.." Dino holds her hand to make her feel more ease
"promise?" you asked all of them..
"if you think that's the best.. Then we won't. We promised.. " DK said
"i promise" vernon, dino, seungkwan and mingyu said one by one.
Aera smiled to them.
"but, about the school trip??" Dino asked..
"right! My aunt wont allow me.. She's scared that i might end up in the hospital again.. And it's hard to convince her to let me become a trainee. But i managed to make her allow me to become a trainee" Aera said while laughing to them..
"what did you do to her?? Did you put black magic or what?" seungkwan teased Aera on how she managed to make her aunt to accept her become a trainee.
"it's a secret" aera evil smiled to them making them to laugh
"Yah! We need to be more careful with aera now!! She's dangerous!" Dk jokingly said.
All of them then make jokes about aera using black magic. They were laughing loudly in the car.All of them arrives at their dorm.. They get out of the car one by one.
Aera is last one to get out of the car. As soon as she get out of the car, they make a group hug.
"thank you for understanding me.." aera said to the boys..
"but one day.. The others will know too.. " Dino said
"i know.. But not now, maybe years later. Hahah" aera said.All of them then entered their dorm.. Aera takes a shower then immediately do her homework and go to sleep after finishing her homework..
While the boys... :
"eyhh.. The others are not home yet. What take them so long?" Vernon said after while towel drying his hair after taking a shower.
"They are going to buy some food. Scoups told us in the groupchat" seungkwan said.
"oh okay" vernon said while entering his room to wear his pajamas
"I'm worried about aera.." DK said..
"Me too" Dino said.
Seungkwan then grabs some snakes that available in the kitchen and shares it with them.
"if she feels like she dont have anaemia anymore, im sure she will be fine" Seungkwan said.
"but she said, it might happen again." dk said
"if she take balanced diet and eat the food that her body needs, it wont happen." seungkwan said while eating his snacks.
"you know, anything can happen. What if she starts an extreme diet??" Dino said making seungkwan to stay quiet.
" what are you guys talking about?" vernon asked after wearing his pajamas.
"Aera" Dk said.
"im sure.. She'll be fine." Vernon said. He joins them eating the snacks at the living room.
"I guess we need to watch her.. I mean like if she lose weight, we can ask her something to make sure she's fine.." mingyu saidKNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK
"I'll open the door" mingyu said and making his way to the door.
As soon as mingyu opens the door, scoups and the others entered the dorm and put plastic bags on the kitchen. Scoups asked them " who do you want to make sure she's fine??"
"wait you heard it?" dk asked.
"all of us heard it" jeonghan said.
"well, it's about ae-" Dk didn't finish his word and vernon cuts him
"Sofia" vernon said.
"sofia? Why?" joshua asked
"She's not feeling well lately.. Soo we need to make sure she's fine by messaging her everyday. That's all." vernon said
"we?? I think vernon is enough message sofia." Jeonghan said
"im sleepy.." vernon yawned and enter his room.
"What noo." mingyu said.
"Vernon said it wrongly.. He means only himself but he accidentally used 'we'. You know he's stressed with sofia's condition right now" Dk said
"whatever. Im sleepy too" jeonghan said making his way to his room to sleep.
All of them then went to sleep in their room and have practice tomorrow morning.

SEVENTEEN 14TH MEMBER || memeydwies
Fanfictiony/n is the only girl in seventeen. She started to join seventeen during their don't wanna cry comeback. being the only girl in seventeen she receives a lot of criticism