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So this is just an explanation for the story line before Aera joins seventeen. Okay soo..
When Samuel used to train with the seventeen members during 2013, Samuel always invites aera to come to the practice room to watch him practice. Aera is best friend with samuel.. The managers allow aera to watch them practice but aera is not allowed to feature in the seventeen tv. So aera always just sitting and watch them practice. So basically, after school, aera and samuel will go to the practice room together.
BUT! Aera did not train with seventeen. Aera just sit there as an audience in the practice room ahhaha since you are not a trainee there.. Aera is close with seventeen because they always plays with you to make sure you are not boring in the practice room.

After samuel left, aera rarely visit them since aera dont have a friend that can bring her to the practice room together. So she decided to just go home after school.
+Samuel doesn't school with her.. So she lost contact with samuel
+her aunts are sick so she needs to take care of her

After her aunts getting better, she immediately auditioned in source music entertainment in 2014. she was only 12 years old at that time..

She should be in a group called gfriend but she got removed by the company because she was too young for the group. They debut in 2015
+aera is close with 6 of them
+but eversince they debut, aera rarely talks to them since they are very busy

In 2017, Aera was moved from source music to pledis. And that is when aera joined seventeen..

So that's the explanation. Feel free to ask any questions if you're not understand

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