CHAPTER 32 : Biological parents? (part 1)

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Aera felt so devastated. With Aunt Sangmi's death, the recording of aera's badmouthing got released, aera was told to go on hiatus, all of this happened in the same week, yet she still need to go to school.

Aera woke up and get ready for school. A driver will pick her up at 7:15 so she needs to get ready soon. The others are busy with their promotion, so they left the dorm early in the morning.

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At school, aera is basically a left out in her school. Although, with the popularity that she got through svt, she didnt manage to have that many friends.

As Aera arrives at her table, it was doodle with mean words by the bullies in her class. Their classmates are looking at her and laugh when Aera look at her table.

Aera sat there, minding her own business as her classmates keeps making fun of her, being the only girl in svt. Aera has immune with all the bullies words.

"Have fun with your hiatus" a girl with hair roller on her hair says and laugh. The others who sit around her also joining the laugh. Aera act like she didnt hear any words from them and keeps reading her textbook before the class starts. But deep down, she learn nothing from the text book, but hear all the words they said about her.

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during recess Aera went to the rooftop and listen to music. She didn't eat as she does not have any appetite. 

"aera!!" A girl screamed at her while running towards her. The girl running towards her is Isa (reminder : Isa hasn't debuted in stayc at this time)

"I miss you!" Isa hugs her. "i miss you too~" Aera replied her back. "I heard someone said that you came to school today" Isa said while taking her lunchbox. "As soon as I heard that, I really hope time runs so fast so I can eat with you during recess" then she took a bite of a chicken nugget from her lunchbox. Isa offer one of her chicken nugget to Aera. Aera shakes her head because she dont want to eat at that moment. "Yah! just take one! You barely eat!" Isa said to Aera. Forcing her to take the chicken nugget. Aera refused, then she gives up because Isa wont stop talking about the chicken nuggets. Aera take one of the chicken nugget.

"It's delicous," Aera said to Isa. "told you" Isa replied back. They laughed and then there's a short silent. "you know, if you need someone to let out your feelings and emotion, I'll always be here for you" Isa said while holding Aera's hand to reassure her.

Aera smiled. "well, it is what it is. I bring myself to this situation, so there's no one i can blame to"
Aera jokingly said in a voice to mock the youtubers who talk about kpop idols "i guess, this is the downfall of seventeen Aera" Aera laughed with the situation, to cope with it. "Trust me, your hiatus won't be long. Take it as a break for you from the idol's life" Isa said to her.

"Anyways! I need your update!" Aera asked Isa to change the topic. "well, I'm going to debut next year!!' Isa said it excitingly. "wait for real!?" aera asked. "why should I lie abt this?!" Isa said. "Omg! I'm happy for you!!" Aera hugged her bcs her bestfriend is going to debut soon.

They spend 50 minutes lunch break by updating each other about their life. As one of them is a kpop idol, and the other one is a trainee, they rarely come to school, or.. one of them attend school and the other one did not attend due to busy schedule and training.

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The afternoon class has started. However, one of their teacher couldn't attend the class, so they had one relaxing period, where the class can do anything in the class.

This period is heaven for her classmate as they can talk to their friends and have fun but not for Aera.

During the period, Aera took the opportunity to study some of the chapters that she missed.

"Oh look, miss svt is acting like she's studying when she don't even study" the girl is looking at Aera and laugh with her friends. A boy from the same group with the girl approach her. "yah, how do you catch up with this when you barely come to school?" the boy asked. He then took the book that Aera is reading and start looking through the pages.

aera sigh. "give it" Aera said. Aera tried to reach for the book but the boy raise up his hand so Aera couldn't reach the book. "what? Is your seventeen oppa gonna help you?" The boy laughed as she struggle to grab the book.

Aera looks at the boy deadly and push him as hard as she can. The boy falls to the ground and his head almost hit the corner of the table.

"YAH!" his girlfriend screams and ran to the boy. "I'm fine" the boy said while rubbing his own head.

His girlfriend look at Aera and try to slap at Aera but Aera managed to push her making her fall.

"I recorded it!" A girl with bangs hold her phone up. Recording Aera being agressive.

"good job!" the boy stand up and clap his hand and look at that video. Aera's heart drop. What did she do? Is the video going to be seen in the whole south korea?

"no" Aera said and try reach for the phone but the girlfriend grab aera's hair. "Ah!" aera screams as she feels pain on her head.

"what are you gonna do now huh?"  the girlfriend said while pulling his hair. "you know we could viral this video and the whole people around gonna the world will see you as a bully. The aggressive girl in school"

"I'll do anything you want!!" Aera screams. The girlfriend release her hair. Aera beg on her knees. "I'll do anything you want.. Just please.. delete the video."

The group of bullies saw this as an opportunity. They look at each other before a boy speak up. "well we couldn't delete this video.. But.." the boy lowers his body so he and Aera are on the same eye level. "but you need to do anything we want or we will post this video."

Aera is tearing up because of the pressure from them but she accepted the deal. She didn't want to ruin seventeen and pledis reputation anymore.

"Well then.. It's no fun with all the classmates watching" the boy said. "Tell your driver, you'll be at school after school ends. Give any reasonable excuse as you want as long as no one knew about us." the boy continued.

"remember, this is only between us or .. You know what we'll gonna do" the girlfriend winked at her. The bully then leaves the class.

Some of her classmates who feels bad but scared to stand up for her helps her to stand up and get her back to her sit.

this is it. Aera thought. She needs to be patient with this until the hiatus ends.

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Aera unlock the door of her dorm. She immediately went to the bed. "Day-1" She could say she survived this school day although it is the worst day ever.

She managed to convince the driver that she had to stay at school tomorrow with the reason that she had to prepare for a club event this week. Although the driver scolded her a bit because it will disrupt his schedule, he then agreed with it as long as Aera calls her after she finished.

"knock knock"

Someone knock on the door. Without thinking further, aera unlocks the door thinking it would be her manager or the boys.

"mom?" ...

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