Chapter 34 : Biological parents (Part 3)

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TW : Sexual assault and cringe

After a few hours, aera woke up from her sleep. Aera felt like she is laying on a hard cement. Aera knew she is awake but she couldn't see anything. It seems like she's blindfolded. She couldn't remember anything except running away from the unknown men. Aera tried to move her hand, but her hand were tied up at her back. She also couldn't move her feet as it's also tied up. Aera starts to panic with her current situation. She dont know where she is, what they're gonna do to her and can't even escape from this situation. Aera struggled to untighthen the rope on her hand and her feet but it was too tight for her.

Aera then hears the door open. It sounds like the door is old, as it makes sounds when it opens, because of the rusting. The footsteps are approaching her. Aera got scared and tried to move further away from the sound of the footstep.

"you're awake" it's a foreigner who talk to her. It sounds australian, where she was born. "pick her up" the same guy talk again. They pick her up and tied Aera on a chair. "Who are you guys" aera asked in english as they were speaking english. "you don't know us, but your parents does." The same guy answered her question. "Your parents borrowed a large amount of money from us, it's for their business they said. And until now, they haven't pay any cents!" Another guy with a higher voice continued to explain to her. "I don't talk to my parents anymore" Aera said. "well that explains everything" The third guy said and the three of them laugh. "what do you mean? Aera asking for explanation. The first guy giggle first before explaining to Aera that her parents kind of sold her to them. "Since they have 2 daughters. We kindly asked them to choose which one they want to sold. and they said you without any hesitation." The second guy speaks again to explain it. Aera stayed silent and tried to keep her tears from falling down. "what are you going to do with me?" Aera asked. She try to remains calm but her voice sounds more shakier than before. "well.. This sounds a bit scary for first timer but we'll sell you to our clients who wants to fuck you."  The second guy speaks again. "Basically you work like a prostitute now" the third guy continued. Aera starts to panic and cry. "No!" Aera said while crying. "Don"t worry, you'll get hang of it. Like our other prostitutes" The first guy said. "LET ME GO!!" Aera screams and tried to escape from the chair. "oh god here we go" The first guy said as he was so tired listening to Aera's screaming. "NO ONE CAN HELP YOU FROM HERE" the second guy said and stuffed some fabric inside her mouth so that Aera couldn't speak. Then he closed her mouth with another fabric.  After that, all of them leave aera inside the room alone.

Aera felt so helpless as she couldn't escape from that place and she can't even scream as her mouth is stuffed with fabric.

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The next sun appears again, but for Aera, she couldn't locate what's the time now. She keeps wondering wether people knew that she was kidnap. Are they looking for her now?  Did anyone notice her disappearance. She keeps praying and wish that they'll come before something bad happens to her.

They give food for her and tried to fed  her but she stops as she doesn't have any appetite. The guy who fed her got mad at her for refusing the food. She stuffed more food into her mouth until her mouth is so full. "You should be lucky we gave you this food instead of letting you starve." The guy throws the plate to the wall, making it scattered to the floor. The guy then slams the door as he was so mad with Aera.

Aera cried. How long does she have to bear with this? Aera went back to sleep amd hoping she could wake up and surrounded by all seventeen members.

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aera woke up as the door opens. "WAKE UP!!" a guy said as they untied her from the chair. They untied her feet but both her hand are still tied as they bring her to somewhere else. Her eyes are still blindfolded. "where are you guys bringing me?" Aera asked them. " to meet your client" A guy said.

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