"Can we see her now?" Scoups asked the doctor in charge who just came out of the room aera is in.
"Yes, you may but please inform us if she's awake" The doctor said before leaving and talking to Jinhwan. Scoups nodded.Scoups came into the room followed by other members. They were in shocked seeing Aera in that condition, with bruised on her face, her thin body. What has happened to Aera?
They took care of Aera for the night, not leaving her side. No one want to leave her and instead, they stayed by her side all night.
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The next morning, Jeonghan who is holding on Aera's hand felt a squinch. "Aera? Can you hear me?" Jeonghan said and look at Aera. Her eyes slowly open but she gives no expression, instead her heartbeats rate increases.
Jeonghan told mingyu to call the doctor as he does not want to leave Aera. Mingyu who just wakes up call the doctor outside the room. The doctor and the nurse came in and asked them to leave the room for a while as he wants to check on Aera.
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They waited patiently outside the room until the doctor came out. "She's awake, but please don't push her so much as she's still in shock" the doctor said. The members agreed and they went inside the room, one by one.As all of them entered the room, they saw Aera has opened her eyes. "aera?" Dokyeom asked slowly, Aera's head immediately moved to the voice of dokyeom. "hey, it's us.." Dokyeom said again. Aera's face move back at original position. Aera didn't feel like to talk at that moment.
"I'm fine" Aera said as she look at the ceiling. "we're here for you, aera" Woozi said to Aera. The members agreed. "oh. Where were you then?" Aera said. The members were shocked by what she said. But she were right, they thought, as they went silent after Aera said that. Aera on the other hand, she didn't know why she's being mean to them, but she thought that she could blame someone after everything that happened to her.
"we're so sorry" Scoups said, on behalf of the boys. Aera ignored the apology, and continued to stare at the ceiling.
A few seconds after, there's a knock on the door, and the 2 police officer came in. "good morning" the police officer smiled. Seventeen gave way for the police officers to approach aera. "Aera, there are a few questions i need to ask regarding your time when you were kidnap" a man police officer that seems taller than the other one speaks first.
"What?" Aera said while trying to sit from her sit. The8 tried to help her but aera refused the help and try to sit by herself. "We need more information about them, and what they do" the same police officer answered her. Aera looks at them afraid, but she nodded agreed for it.
"do you want them to stay or leave?" the other police officer who is holding his notebook to take notes, pointed at the others. Aera look at them. She actually wanted them to leave but as she saw their faces, she knew that they should stay.
"So let's start.. Okay, so could you tell us how you got to that place." The police who is not holding any book start to ask question. "Um I got back from school and i saw a van coming towards me. I ran away as the man gets out from the car and walk towards me.. But i fell and i got caught. The next thing I remember I was blindfolded. That's it." Aera said to them. Aera's hold both her hand because she starts to shake as she recall the memory of her getting kidnap.
"So what happened when you were blindfolded?" the police officer asked another question. "um i was blindfolded, so I- I don't know" Aera said, trying to avoid answering questions.
"Well did they speak to you?" the officer asked question. "yes" Aera answered. "could you tell us?" the officer asked aera to explain more. "they um told me how they asked my parents.. Whether they should kidnap me or their other child.. and they chose me.. and.. i think that's it?" Aera said.

SEVENTEEN 14TH MEMBER || memeydwies
Fanfictiony/n is the only girl in seventeen. She started to join seventeen during their don't wanna cry comeback. being the only girl in seventeen she receives a lot of criticism