This story happens at the same time after the incident with Aera's parents (Part 5)
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The night has come, and the lights are off, the members are asleep on the couch and carpet, and there's Aera, couldn't close her eyes. Aera wanted to sleep so badly but as she closes her eyes, the memory of her getting kidnap and assaulted keeps coming back. It makes her heart race so much."I'll be fine" Aera said to herself and dare herself to close her eyes for a few minutes.
However, the memory of the voices gettings more clearer as the time went by. Aera try to fight her fear by saying it's only a dream, it's only her imagination.
As Aera open her eyes as she couldn't take it anymore, she was in the room where she was kidnap, but thist time she was not blindfolded. Aera closed her eyes multiple times to wake up from it, but can't.
"Aera" the sound of kidnapper calling her name echoing around the room.
But there was no one around the room. And, there's a breath going through around her neck. This time, aera starts to panic. "LEAVE ME ALONEE!" Aera screamed.
"Aera, aera, aera" louder voice of the kidnapper echoes inside the room.
"NO!!" Aera close her ears. She tried to run away but it felt like her feet was tied up at the bed.
She felt like someone touch her body everywhere. "STOP IT!" Aera screamed. Aera screamed as much as she can till the nightmare stops.
"AERA!" she finally hears the voice of scoups calling her. She open her eyes and she's back in the hospital room.
The members look so worried with her. "are you okay? You're having a nightmare?" Jeonghan asked her.
Her current position worried them. She's in a sitting position while her leg close to her chest, and her hand closes her ears.
Aera's even surprise with herself. She's confused. Is she still dreaming? She thought.
Aera wanted to say something but it feels like there's something stuck on her throat. She's having a hard time to breathe.
They try to help Aera as Aera is struggling to breathe. Aera becomes panic as she couldn't breath.
"Hey calm down and look at me" Joshua said to her. Aera looks at Joshua in his eyes.
"Follow me okay, breath in" As joshua takes a deep breath, aera tried to follow him. "breath out" Joshua guide Aera to breath.Joshua keeps guiding Aera to breath. Joshua's soft voice makes her more relax and be able to breath normally
"You're doing great. Feeling good now?" Joshua asked her after Aera has relaxed a bit.
"What was that?" Aera said as she never experienced it before.
"Panic attack" Scoups answered her.
"I thought I was dying" Aera cried. She couldn't handle the thought that she'll be leaving them.
"I won't let you go! You have to stay by our side and we'll protect you" Jeonghan said and hug her.
"I'm scared.. The memories, I can't keep my eyes closed!" Aera cried. They try to hold their tears seeing Aera in that situation.
"I'll call the doctor.." Mingyu said and walks out from the room.
"You need to go to therapy" Seungkwan adviced Aera. Aera kept quiet, not knowing if it's a good idea. "You go to therapy, and you'll come back stronger aera" Woozi agreed with Seungkwan.
"We'll be waiting for you" Minghao said to Aera. It made her smile knowing they are always there for her.
"I'm gonna be in svt again?" Aera asked. "Again? What do you mean? You are always SEVENTEEN!" Dokyeom speaks.
"well yea before I caused a drama (Refer to Aunt Sangmi)" Aera said.
"I promise you. The company can't do anything to you. I won't ever let you go no matter what they said. If you go, then I mean, why don't we all leave pledis?" Scoups said and jokingly said about leaving pledis. Aera also laughed. "No you can't. You are bounded by contract" Aera said to bring them back to reality.
"Well, it can be terminated" Scoups said. "that's a high price. I'm not letting you guys risk all your trainee days just for leaving this life" Aera said.
"We are not leaving! We are making a new one!" Dino said as her voice raised at the new one.
"If.. If I ever leave" Aera tried to say something.
"NOT READY FOR THAT"all of them speaks to stop Aera fron continuing her words.
"I want to see svt perform no matter what happens" Aera said.
"that's not happening" Jun said to Aera. "no more talk abt this" Vernon said.
As they want to talk about another topic, the doctor came into the room to check on Aera.
As the doctor check on Aera. All members sit at the couch, looking at the doctor and Aera until he finished checking on Aera.
"All right, i gave her sleeping pill, so that she can fall asleep easily.. And she will have her therapy session soon to help her overcome her trauma" the doctor smiled and leave the room.
some of the members stay beside Aera until she falls asleep so she can get her rest.
-chapter ends-
New part coming soon!!

SEVENTEEN 14TH MEMBER || memeydwies
Fanfictiony/n is the only girl in seventeen. She started to join seventeen during their don't wanna cry comeback. being the only girl in seventeen she receives a lot of criticism