Chapter 29: Aunt SangMi (Part 3)

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Aera's alarm rings. Aera looks at her phone to see what time it is.
"7:05?" Aera saw the time. It felt like she only slept for only 10 minutes..
Aera look at any notification from her aunt but there was.. None. Aera open the chat box.

Aera :
Good morning aunt sangmi!

I'm going to work.. Us seventeen are going to do final recording(probably) soon.. Fighting!

I miss you, pls reply soon

Aera sighed.. But at least she tried, though. Hoping it can soften her aunt's heart.

Aera get up from her bed and get ready to go to the studio.


"AAAaaaAAAaaa" Aera's warming up in the studio while waiting for her turn.

"Did you bring your water already?" Joshua asked aera. Aera take her water bottle and shake it to show to joshua that she bought it.

"Everything's okay?" Vernon asked.
Aera doesn't want to burden anyonr with her problem. Especially at this moment. Everyone is so nervous since comeback is near. "Yeah, I'm good as usual" Aera said. "well okay then, take a break if you need" vernon said.
"you too" said aera while looking at her paper.

Aera, hoshi, seungkwan and woozi can hear DK's voice from the studio.
"wow" aera said. "it literally sounds like from the heaven" aera said, amazed by DK's voice. The others look at aera and then laughed. "Hey, I'm not joking!" Aera said and then laugh too after seeing them laugh.

"Hey, i might not hear you guys, but i still have eyes." DK's sound can be heard from the speaker. Aera, hoshi and seungkwan continued to laugh until they saw woozi's face getting serious. A sign for them to stay quiet inside the studio.

"but for real tho, DK he's so great." Seungkwan compliment him too.

"looks like you're done Dokyeom-aa, well done!" Woozi said.
DK get out of the recording room and sit at the studio. Aera and the menbers can see that dokyeom are questioning himself. "You okay?" aera asked. "I don't think I did well just now"
"WHAT?" seungkwan surprised.
"you did more than good just now. We were amazed!" Seungkwan continued, trying to reassure Dokyeom.
"is it because we were laughing?" aera asked. She is worried that them laughing might bring a misunderstanding. "of course not! It's just me. I feel like the problem is only me" dokyeom said.. Dokyeom's confidence are really reducing after the recording. Aera and seungkwan knew that and trying ti reassure Dokyeom back.

Aera hold dokyeom's both hand. "listen, when you were inside that room, all of us are so amazed by you! Seventeen couldn't make it without you! Trust me, you did your best inside there! There was barely a mistake. Believe in yourself dokyeom, for you, for carats, and us" aera said. It's sad to see the hapoy pills of the group is not happy with his own performance.

Dokyeom gave a smile to Aera.. But he couldn't say any word or he will burst into tears anytime.

"Aera go to the recording room now" woozi said.  "okay" aera grabs his water bottle, pen and his paper with to the recording room.

"Aera fighting!"
They gave small motivation to aera. Aera smiled and give back the same movement (fighting) to them.

"She looks fine today right.." hoshi asked. "fine than yesterday" dokyeom said. "looks like aera's sadness was transferred to you" seungkwan jokingly said to dokyeom. "i think so" dokyeom replied back. All of them laughed, exceot Aera who is still adjusting the headphone to her ear.

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