Both Aera and Scoups are confused as why her stylist is also there but they just kept quiet as any words they say right now might lead to something worst.
Her stylist take a step back when she realised both Aera and Scoups are inside ths office too
"Let's not waste any more time." the CEO said. "who wants to start first?"
He look at Aera and then her stylist. Both still kept quiet.Scoups try to break the silence "well, I-" till he is cut by the CEO before he even said any opinion. "seungcheol-shi, this isn't about you. Please remain silent. I want to hear from their own mouth." his ceo said.
And still, aera and her stylist are too afraid to say any word.
The ceo sigh at this silent conversation. "one of you talk right now, or I'm going to fired both of you" The CEO's voice are raising by every words he said.
Aera overcome her fears by speking up first. "I.. umm. The day Aunt SangMi told me to leave seventeen, i- i got really upset and stressed out.. And.." That's when Aera realised that she complaint about her aunt to her stylist.
Aera look at her stylist..
"Unnie" Aera look at her stylist with sad expression. She can't believe her own stylist, the one that she adored, is also the one who shared the recording of Aera talking bad about her aunt.
"was it really you?" Aera asked.
"are you blaming me now? Her stylist asked Aera. "Well I was offered a great amount of money if I had any evidence to ruin Seventeen's reputation. I mean, any people will accept it.." her stylist said. "Right at that time, you talk about your aunt. I guess it's a good idea to tell them about it." without feeling bad, her stylist told about it.
"is your salary not enough?" the CEO asked her stylist. "well, it's enough. It's not wrong for me to gain a side income" the stylist said rudely.
"I trusted you" Aera said. Her eyes are getting teary due to the situation. "stop it aera. Don't act like your a victim here. You are the one who talk shit about your own aunt! How is that my fault!?" Her stylist said. The conversation started to heat up.
"I was stressed out at that time! You should know that! I thought I could let it out to you! All of the words meant nothing!" Aera raised her voice.
"ENOUGH!" The CEO slam his table, gaining everyone's attention inside the room "It's too late for both of you to argue." the ceo said.
"you" the ceo point at the stylist. "your license as a makeup artist will be suspended for a year, and you are fired. I don't want to see you step inside pledis building again." the CEO said. "what? what am I gonna do!?" her stylist are shocked by the CEO's decision. "I'm sure the amount of money that you got for spreading the recording can afford you for a year." the CEO said. "you can't do this!" she said. "One more words you say, i will extend your suspension." the CEO said.
"And Aera" the CEO look at Aera. "you have damaged your own reputation and also SEVENTEEN" the CEO continued. Aera only look down, she didn't dare to look at him. Aera has already accepted what's going to happened to her. "you need to be on hiatus." the CEO has made his decision.
A hiatus? Aera thought, thank god she won't leave the group. "A hiatus!?" her stylist was surprised by the CEO's decision. "It's not fair!" her stylist whined.
The CEO rolled his eyes hearing the stylist voice. "However, if your name still hasn't cleared up, you will be fired too. Which means, you are no longer a SEVENTEEN and your contract with pledis will be terminated." The CEO continued.
Her stylist hold Aera's arm. "aera please! I'm so sorry for what I did! My mom is sick and I- I dont know what to do! The reporters gave me a large amount of money, of course I would take it!" her stylist is still holding her job in pledis, but Aera has no pity left for her stylist after what she did. "There's nothing I can do" Aera said.
Then her stylist smirked at Aera. "Of course there's nothing you can do. You are the reason for the downfall of seventeen. Didn't you realise? Eversince you came, you only bring trouble to seventeen and also pledis. They did everything to protect you, and here you are! Ruining the name of seventeen multiple times! I'm sure every carats agree with me, svt is not the same eversince you came." Her stylist getting close to her ear and whisper to her. "have you consider leaving? seems like a good idea" her stylist whispered to Aera's ear.
Scoups then push the stylist from Aera. "leave her alone! She's just a kid!" Scoups steps in front of Aera and argued with the stylist.
"YAH!" the CEO slam the table. "you leave this room now or I'll call the security to bring you out of this office by force. You don't want to be humiliated like that, do you?" the CEO said to the stylist.
The stylist rolled her eyes. "Pledis is the worst company I've ever worked with" she said and leave the room by slamming the door.
"Who the let her have this job in pledis?" the ceo shakes his head. He then talk to Aera again. "And lastly Aera.. Honestly I thought I should fired you already until Jinhwan convinced me to let you be part of svt." Aera and scoups look at Jinhwan. Jinhwan's face looks disappointed with everything that happened.
"is there anything else?" the CEO asked one last time before dismissing aera, scoups and jinhwan.
there's a complete silence which means they can leave the room then.
As they leave the room, Jinhwan have a chat with Aera and Scoups. "Look aera, don't be too happy with hiatus. Hiatus will only lead you to leaving the group. They made it so it doesn't look like the company is the one that fired you. Usually after hiatus, idols will make the decision to leave their group to maintain the group's image, but actually, they were fired. This is what happens to many idols." jinhwan said.
Scoups asked, "but it was you who convinced the CEO to let Aera on hiatus?"
"i did, i thought at least you could spend more time with the boys and, maybe write song for seventeen" Jinhwan suggested as it looks like Aera is going to leave seventeen. "you mean, I should prepare for the worst, right?" Aera thought."anything can happen by the time you're on hiatus. You can change your mind, the CEO can change his mind, the boys can also change their mind" Jinhwan said.
Jinhwan walk with them till they arrive at their car. "One last reminder, don't post anything on social media, you'll get hated on for everything you do, even if you're apologising." Jinhwan reminded Aera. Aera nodded.
Aera and scoups both get into the car. "drive safe" jinhwan said to scoups before scoups start to drive the car, leaving pledis building towards the dorm.
The whole ride was a complete silence. Aera barely said any word after what happened. Her stylist that she adored, backstabbed her for money. She can't believe anyone can turn sides when it comes to money. Or was it one-sided? Her stylist never thought of her as a friend. Aera is the only one that is over-reacting.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -
"Aera" Scoups called her before she closed the door of her dorm. "it's only a hiatus. We'll do everything to protect you" Scoups said. Aera smiled with his words. "Thank you for always being there for me" Aera said to scoups. The words made scoups smiled a little. "Don't forget to lock the door" Scoups said to Aera before going back to the boys dorm.
Scoups head felt so heavy, having to tell the boys that Aera won't be joining any activities. How long? He's also not sure. But he still hopes that Aera is still with them.
- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -
As soon as Aera closed the door, she felt pain on her heart. She couldn't believe all of this happening to her. Her dreams to become an idol is never easy. And yet, she's still here, trying to save her idol journey. She don't know how long she'll survive this long and sharp journey. Aera keep crying until she can fall asleep.
(Biological parents coming up soon, as the continuation for aunt SangMi)

SEVENTEEN 14TH MEMBER || memeydwies
Fanfictiony/n is the only girl in seventeen. She started to join seventeen during their don't wanna cry comeback. being the only girl in seventeen she receives a lot of criticism