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(I attached the MV for reference 😉)

Jin was in the kitchen making dinner, and was dancing along with the music he had playing.

He was expecting his husband home any minute now. He knows that his husband loves his cooking very much, so he tries to always have dinner ready for him.

Even though there are times when the food goes cold, or to waste when his husband doesn't show. And he's left to go to bed alone in a cold bed.

He checks the time and sees it is almost 8pm. His husband promised to be home by 6:30.

He is trying hard to keep his sanity and continues to listen to the music and dancing.

Meanwhile, his husband Jungkook is dropping off the guy he just fucked for over two hours.

He was leaving work on time, but the hot guy crossed his path when he stopped at the store. And the look he gave him let him know he was DTF.

And before he knew it they were at a secluded park and he had him bent over the hood of his car as he plowed him.

Before he drove home he wiped down his crotch with the wet wipes he keeps in his car. Just in case he doesn't make it to the shower before he sees his beloved husband.

When he finally makes it home he can hear music as soon as he walks inside.

He smiles when he sees his love dancing and shaking his booty. He loves him so much.

Then he feels a pang of regret for the things he does.

He is snapped out of his thoughts when Jin turns and goes to hug him as soon as he sees him.

When Jin wrapped his arms around him and instinctively breathed in his scent. He froze when he smelled yet another different scent lingering on his husband.

Jungkook notices and moves his head back to look at him.
"What's wrong babe?"

Jin straightens up and forces a smile.

"Nothing, I am just really tired. I thought you were coming home early today?"

Jungkook takes the moment to admire the beauty he married. He reaches his hand out to softly caress his cheek.

He then leans over to kiss his lips and says, "I'm sorry love.
Things are always getting in the way."

Jin knows he's lying and was somewhere getting his cock sucked by some floozy. But he doesn't voice his concerns. He doesn't want to risk his husband leaving him.

Instead he asks him, "Are you still hungry? Or are you going to bed already?"

"Oh, I'm starving. But do you mind if I take a quick shower first before I eat?"

Jin shakes his head and says, "No, go ahead. I actually have a slight headache so I will leave your food on the table. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

He gives him a quick peck and rushes off to his room.

Jungkook is left standing in the kitchen as he watches his husband walk away. He is left wondering if his husband knows about his affairs.

He feels a shiver as the thought occurs. He would hate for that to be the case. He doesn't want to lose the only man he has ever loved.

He then starts to make his way up to the shower and when he finally comes out, he finds Jin fast asleep.

The lights are off, but he can see him clearly by the light of the moon shining through the windows.

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