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Jungkook called the therapist that was recommended to him, and has been working with him. He explained to the therapists that he's been calling his friend Suzy to help him whenever he feels strong urges.

The therapist didn't think it was a good idea to be around his friend Suzy while he's working with him. But Jungkook explained that somehow, she is actually helping him.

He can be around her without having the urge to bang her brains out. And he really needs all the help he can get. And he is still being constantly bombarded with offers from men and women on a daily basis.

The talks he has with Suzy have been eye opening for him. He has never really had a friend who was a girl before. And he had always considered Jin his best friend as well as his lover. He was the perfect package.

She asked him one day what was the turning point in his marriage that made him screw someone else and risk losing the love of his life.

He sat back in his seat as he thought long and hard (😉) about it. He then tries to remember who he had slept with. It took him a while, but he finally remembered.

"I think it was a couple of years ago. See, when I was in middle school and entering high school. I always had a huge crush on this guy that went to my school. But I was a scrawny little nerd so he never gave me any play.

Then of course I met my love Jinnie and I forgot all about that guy. We got married and we were very happy.

Then one day at work, I was in a meeting and I saw a guy walk in that immediately caught my eye. Not to check him out or anything.

He just looked really familiar to me and it was driving me crazy that I couldn't place his face anywhere. He saw that I kept looking his way and must've assumed that I was checking him out.

I then tried to ignore him but he started to pop up everywhere. He finally cornered me one night and asked me my name. I thought he was playing stupid since my name was on the door and I ran the place.

He chuckled and told me, 'No, I know your name. But what I'm asking is if you're the same kid I went to school with. I used to see you always looking my way.'

That's when it hit me.. He was my middle school crush. And he still looked just as amazing, even better actually."

Suzy shook her head, already knowing where this was going. So Jungkook then told her of how he first fucked up.

Flashback to his first cheating encounter

Jungkook has been staying late at work and he has a couple of others staying late with him. Including his old crush, who has made it known he is very interested in him.

He is only working at Jungkook's company until the company he works for finishes their dealings with them.

Jungkook has done pretty good at keeping him at bay. But every now and then he gets flustered when he catches the guy looking at him. He feels like the same goofy kid who used to drool over him in school.

One late night, his employees were leaving one by one. He thought he was alone in the office. And he was trying to finish up so he could rush home. He had just spoken to Jin who told him he would be going to sleep after waiting as long as he could.

He then heard his door open and close. When he looked up in the darkened area by his door, he saw that guy walking towards him.

"Oh, you're still here? I thought you had left. Did you forget something?"

The guy kept silent and stood in front of his desk. Jungkook looked at him and decided he didn't want to deal with him and shut his computer off and grabbed his things.

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