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Jin and Jungkook's divorce was finalized after a couple of months. And Tae decided to treat his newly free man to a vacation in the sunny Bahamas.

When he told Jin about it, he asked if they could take Jimin and Joonie along. Tae wasn't happy with the idea, but Jin promised him that they would definitely have their own private times together. He just wants Jimin along to spend his days with. While Tae can relax alone until he returns.

He then asked Joonie about it and if he thought they could make it. And after he spoke with Jimin, he let Tae know they could. So all four were on their way there now.

Jin and Jimin were talking about the fun they're going to have, and Jimin told him, "I brought along some Speedos. I want to drive Joonie wild while we're there."

"Really? He looks like he wants to eat you up even when you're dressed in regular clothes. He'll probably try to fuck you while in the water. Just be careful not to let any thing else slip inside you while you're screwing."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about all sorts of little sea creatures that are floating around naturally. They could slip into you when he you know.." He makes the obvious finger gestures.

Jimin hits him on his shoulder and says, "Be quiet Jin. We're not sex addicts that can't wait until we're alone. Unlike some people." He then points towards Tae whose hand was inching closer to his groin.

Jin slapped Tae's hand away and he hissed.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Because you are trying to get me turned on in a packed plane. And I am not going to be fucking you in a tiny ass bathroom thousands of feet in the air."

Tae chuckles and lays his head on his Jins shoulder.
"Ok baby, I'll behave. For now.. I'm going to take a nap. Please wake me when we arrive."

"Fine." Jin replies.


When they register into their rooms, they decide to rest for a while and meet up for dinner.

Jimin and Joonie are sharing a room, while Jin and Tae shared another. As soon as they entered the room, Tae tried to maul him. But Jin was tired and jet lagged so he laid down to take a nap.

When he kept kissing Jin, trying to get him to get into it.
Jin pushed him away, "You already took a nap but I'm tired. Please let me rest for a bit. I promise I will be more willing later."

Tae pouted and then just laid down next to him, cuddling him as Jin slept. He spent a good while staring at him.
And the thought occurred to him that he could really be happy waking up to him every morning for the rest of his life. But he's worried that Jin doesn't feel the same after coming off of a bitter divorce.

He is also distrustful of everyone, including Tae. His ex-husband really did a number on him and now he will be paying the price for his sins.

He ended up falling asleep after all, and Jin woke up before him. He turned to look at him as he had his arms wrapped around his waist.

He smiled when he saw how peaceful and innocent he looked. Though he knows he is anything but. He knows that once he wakes up he will immediately want to have sex.

It's not like he doesn't want to, especially with him. But he doesn't want their relationship to be just sexual.

He wants them to have meaningful conversations and fun adventures together. He loves how outgoing and funny he is. But he doesn't want him to change once they've gotten past a point in their relationship where he'll get bored of him and start looking elsewhere for his fun.

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