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(Good God! Look what I found guys! ⬆️ 😲)

Jin sat down across from his husband, with the stench of sex lingering in the room.

Jungkook remained still in his seat, though he was dying to jump across his desk and hold Jin in his arms.

Jin was staring at the desk and saw the mess it was in. He shook his head as he imagined his husband pushing everything aside in his desperate need to fuck.

He then looked up at Jungkook and stunned him.
"I always knew what you were up to.
All those times that you weren't with me.

I hoped that it wouldn't be true, just so I could have some peace of mind. And I could go on day by day.

But actually seeing you.."

He pauses as the vivid memory flashes in his mind. He then sighs and continues.

"Seeing you fucking some random whore in your office. Your place of business. Where anyone could see you.

Proves to me that you just don't care."

"Jin, that's not true." Jungkook protests.

"It is so true Jungkook. If you cared about me at all, you would have respected our marriage vows... The way that I have.

But you can screw someone else so easily without giving me a second thought. No, you don't care at all. I want a divorce." He ended clearly.

Jungkook looked on in shock.

"W-wha? Jin, please.. You couldn't possibly mean that."

Jin stood up and with a determination that surprised even him, replied, "I have never been more certain of anything in my life. I don't want you to stay at the house we used to share. I will give you the opportunity to get some of your things tonight while I am at Jimin's.

And when you're done, you can send me a text so I can return home. I don't want to see you anymore, but I know that will be impossible.

So if we happen to see each other I would hope you do me the courtesy of pretending you don't know me."

He starts to walk away but Jungkook jumps out of his chair and rushes to his side.

He grabs his arms and says, "Sweetheart, I know that you're very upset right now.
But please don't do anything you will regret.

Now, I can agree to give you some space. Some time to think about everything and I will stay at a hotel. Just until you're ready to forgive me. Then I can return."

He then hears Jin's laughter and watches his body shake by how hard he's laughing.

Jin finally looks at him, with a strange look on his face. He is laughing, but his face looks in agony.

He then tells him, "Are you seriously thinking that our marriage can be saved?
Do you think that I'm just some stupid idiot who is desperate to hold onto his cheating spouse?

I don't have to take time to think about anything Jungkook. I have been thinking about the things you do every single day and every time you come home late.

I had blinders on before, but I guess it took seeing you in the act that made me realize how over we are.

No Jungkook, you can stay at a hotel, and you can screw whoever the hell you want. I am checked out of this false marriage. You go do you, just like you have been doing.

I am leaving now, and I will be with the only man besides my father who has never disappointed me. If he wasn't my best friend, I don't know what I would do.
Please let me know when you've gathered your things."

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