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Jin and Tae spent the next few hours vegging out, while watching all sorts of things on TV.

They would occasionally stop to make out, and then return to their shows.

Jin would stop to cook something and Tae would say he would help, but kept interrupting him. He would come behind him as he stood by the stove and rub his crotch in his ass.

Until Jin roughly bumped his ass backwards onto him.
Making him cry out in pain.

When Jin tried to apologize, he knelt down to inspect his crotch. And when he looked up at Tae, he was smiling.

So Jin rolled his eyes and said, "Faker."

But Tae pushed him back down by his shoulders and said, "Come on babe, since you're already down there."

He pulled it out and held it at the base then brought it towards his mouth. Rubbing the tip along his lips.

Jin kept his mouth closed, for a while anyway. Then slowly let his tongue slip out and licked at his slit.

Tae would move his hips forward, trying to get him to take it in his mouth.

Jin finally gave in and opened his mouth wide, and swallowed him halfway, before pulling it out.

He then ran his tongue down his long shaft, taking his time to let it feel the bumps and veins of it.

He played with his balls as he licked it all around. Bits of precum slipping out of his tip.

Jin slurped it up before taking him in whole. He placed his palms on Tae's thighs as his head bobbed up and down his cock.

It didn't take long for Tae to erupt, and he squirt his cum inside Jin's mouth.

Tae then pulled him up from the floor and walked him over to the sofa. He pulled his shorts and underwear down and bent him over the back of the couch.

He easily slid into him and pummeled his hips vigorously.
The force of his thrusts shook the sofa and it was rocking.
Jin was screaming into the couch cushions as he grasped onto them.

Jin exploded onto the back of the sofa, and Tae came inside Jin. Continuously pumping everything he had into him.

He then lay on top of him while still inside him as they both were breathing heavily.

They then hear Jimin's voice screaming through the door.

"Jinnie! Are you done fucking yet? I brought your car home. Open up cause Joonie's waiting for me!"

Tae slipped his cock out of Jin's hole and helped him back into his shorts and underwear. Jin walked awkwardly and Tae chuckled at him.

"Jinnie! Can you hear me?" Jimin yells.

"I'm coming. Give me a second." Jin yells back.

As soon as he opens the door, Jimin hands him his keys and looks at Jin up and down.

"Wow, you look like you got royally fucked! Good for you! I gotta go but..." He peeks his head inside, then whispers.

"You smell like cum. Take a shower ya nasty bitch!" He then takes off running and giggling before Jin can say anything.

"No one asked you ho!"

He then gets pulled back inside by Tae who laughs at him.

"Come on, let's finish cooking."

Jin then pushes him away and says, "You finish cooking. I have to wash all the cum out of my ass. It feels gross."

When Tae tries to follow him, Jin does a karate pose, ready to strike if he comes nearer. "Stop you sex fiend! My ass needs a break from your magnificent dick."

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