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(🔞 This chapter contains alot of M/F sexual descriptions. Like the majority of the chapter is pure smut. 😬 Just a warning if you don't like it, you can skip it.)

Jungkook tries to keep his eyes on his plate, and his phone. Ignoring the young women across the room.

And he's been doing a good job of it so far. But he then sees one of the women walk past him towards the restrooms.

She stares him down as she walks by him and lets her hand trail along his table then his arm.

He doesn't react to her and continues eating.

When she comes out a few minutes later, she stops at his table and propositions him.

"Hey, me and my friends over there think you're hot. And we're willing to share.. You interested?"

Jungkook's cock is instantly hard, as he pictures himself fucking three girls at once.

He stares into the distance and thinks about his marriage. He really loves his husband, but he really loves having sex.

The things he can do to the whores he fucks are vile and disgusting. While his husband is pure and innocent.

He has never had to worry about him stepping out of their marriage because he's loyal. And he loves Jungkook very much.

"Hey, so what do you say?" The girl interrupted his thoughts.

"Are you sure the three of y'all are on the same page? I don't want to be accused of rape later."

He had to be sure the offer was legit. He knows how jealous women can be, and doesn't want them to accuse him of force later, out of spite.

She then looks over at her table and calls them over.

They both get up and strut their way over to his table.

He sees the girl that he saw in the elevator earlier.

He looks at her up and down and she has a nice body. He then looks at the other girl, and she's just as beautiful.

But she looks the most unsure.

"Your friend says that the three of you are interested in a fun night with me. Is that accurate?"

The one who looked uneasy shakes her head.

"No, I think you're hot but I'm not a whore and I don't do these types of things. But y'all have fun."

She then turns to her two friends who are a little miffed that she called them whores in front of him.

"I'll give you a call tomorrow, just to make sure y'all are still alive and kicking." She blows them a kiss and walks away, proud of herself.

He smiles and wipes his mouth with his napkin.

He then says a silent promise to himself. He will start his week of celibacy tomorrow morning.

He then stands and they start to follow him towards the elevator and to his room.

He is glad that he rented a room with a King size bed.

He opens his door and ushers them inside. The lights are already on and he takes off his shoes at the door. They follow suit.

He then walks towards the bar and makes himself a drink.
He offers them one and Ju-li is the only one who takes him up on his offer.

She walks over to him and takes the glass from his hand. Then keeps her eyes locked on his as she downs it.

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