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When Jin walked out of the marriage counselors office and towards his car, the first thing that came to his mind was Tae. So he called him up as soon as he got in his car.


"Hey handsome. What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to explain a few things to the clueless idiots that work with me. I swear, I am going to pop a gasket. I just wish I had my arms wrapped around you right now."

Jin smiled as he heard him, then rolled his eyes by his next comment.

"Or maybe just have my cock shoved inside you while I pound into you."

Jin could then hear a woman's voice behind Tae and heard muffled noises. Like he covered the phone. Jin didn't like that one bit, and started to imagine him hooking up with some slutty secretary.

"Sorry about that babe, she said they needed me to show them the set up one more time."

Jin could then hear the frustration in his voice.

"Well, do you maybe want me to go see you during lunch? I could bring us some food. Unless you just want to bend me over your desk during your entire lunch break." Jin teases.

"Why can't I have both?" Tae asks.

Jin laughs and wonders why he didn't expect that from him.

"I guess we'll see what happens. I'll be there soon love."

When he ended the call, he wanted to just die. He called him love.. fuck. He won't let it go now.

He then drove to grab them some food and drinks then headed towards his building.

When he arrived, the receptionist sent him to his floor. And then another person showed him towards his office.

He was getting stares from everyone he passed and was starting to feel self conscious.

He knocked on Tae's door and he walked in when Tae yelled out, "Come in!"

He stood up as soon as he saw Jin, and walked over to him by the door and immediately locked it.

Jin gulped cause of Tae's predatory glances at him. Tae grabbed the bags from his hand and led him towards the table in the room.

Then he pulled Jin close by his belt while keeping his eyes locked on him. He started to unbuckle them and pulled them down. Along with his boxers.

Something about the way he was looking at him just turned him on, and he was desperate for his touch.

He then lifted him off the ground and sat him on the edge of the table. He slowly pushed him onto his back and licked his lips greedily. He placed his legs over his shoulders and bent forward to kiss him.

Jin could feel his cock teasing against his hole. He didn't even notice when he removed his pants.

"How do you always manage to drive me so crazy? Just being in the same room with you, makes me want to fuck you into oblivion."

Jin's hands are on Tae's face as he's kissing him.

Then whispers, "I'm not doing anything. Now quit teasing me and do what I came here for."

The next thing he felt was being impaled by his favorite thing in the world. He gasped out loud as he felt it slide in deeper and deeper.

Tae kept his eyes on him as he slipped in and out, listening to his small grunts and moans. He knows he's trying hard to keep quiet.

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