three: the olympian

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there will always be someone better than you

Hyojin knew she was screwed the moment she opened her eyes and it was suddenly 9

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Hyojin knew she was screwed the moment she opened her eyes and it was suddenly 9.10am and she had 29 missed calls from Mingyu.

Forget dressing well and having breakfast, she was more keen on not getting murdered by the Kim boy.

Barrelling into the heavy, insulated doors to the Ice Rink, she unhesitatingly begun begging Mingyu for forgiveness. "I'm so so so sorry, I promise I'll never do this-" she cut herself off when she noticed that the whole skating team was just standing by the rinkside, watching a familiar-looking figure weave about the rink fluidly. A soft instrumental piece was playing in background- Michael Jelonek's Romantic Revenge, Hyojin later on realised- and whoever was in the middle of the rink performing to it was nothing short of phenomenal. His coverage for each jump was perfect, height-wise, feet position-wise, and of course landing-wise. She sucked on her teeth, finding herself entirely enamoured-

Wait, she knows this face.

"Hey, pretty boy," Hyojin called out, approaching the rink when the song ended, a smile growing across her lips. "How did your first day go yesterday?"

The boy turned to face her, a flicker of surprise flashing pass his eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came, replaced by a lopsided grin. "Really fucking BAD, all cap. Every school staff I've ask for directions preached the school's architecture to me. I'm starting to think that's more of the school's pride and joy than this club is."

The girl snorted, "It's true, it is. They spent a lot of money making the place pretty."

Mingyu looked between the two of them, more particularly at Hyojin. "Y'all know each other?"

"We've met," the Jung girl corrected. "Like once. Is he the newbie, Cap?"

"No shit, Sherlock." The Captain of the Figure Skating team gestured from the pretty boy to Hyojin. "Hyojin, this is Sicheng and Sicheng, this is Hyojin."

Mingyu looked at her pointedly once again, as if to tell her to behave.

"Sicheng, huh," the girl hummed. "Pretty name for a pretty face."

The said boy looked amused to be so unabashedly hit on. "Thank you, back to you."

Mingyu side-glanced her, returning to the bigger matters at hand, "Why are you late? And one and a half hours late at that."

"Aha! Good question," she said obnoxiously, then admitted. "I overslept."

"And muted your phone," the Kim boy's eyes narrowed into slits.

"And muted my phone," she agreed. "Partially your fault though. You told me to mute my phone last night, I forgot to turn it back on after leaving your dorm."

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