ten: fake smiles

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❝ don't fake it till you make it,
fake it till you become it ❞

Hyojin swore her timetable never matched anyone else's more than Park fucking Seonghwa, because goddamn, everytime she went out during her slightest bit of free time, she'd somehow run into the said boy

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Hyojin swore her timetable never matched anyone else's more than Park fucking Seonghwa, because goddamn, everytime she went out during her slightest bit of free time, she'd somehow run into the said boy.

It was like all of the World was trying to pull them together. Or maybe they had magnets of unlike poles stuck on their bodies. Whatever it is, they just kept crossing paths.

And today was no exception.

The Jung girl was simply minding her own business, strolling down her usual path to the skating rink when she heard a bristle from behind her.

Turning to give the person a glare, her eyes met with Seonghwa's equally cold ones.

"Such a coincidence, Park?" she raised a two fingers to her head in an off-handed salute, glare melting into a haughty grin. "Where are you going?"

The boy gave her a long, disdainful look. "The Club building," he grunted out.

"Such a coincidence!" she said cheerfully. "Not for practice, I hope?"

The expression on Seonghwa's face was extremely abstract as they both came to a momentary standstill. Hyojin then noticed the skate bag slung over one of his shoulders.

"NO!" she shrieked and all Hell broke lose.

They both scrambled for their phones, in a race to book the arena before each other, screaming when the page crashed like the last bit of their hopes. Hyojin charged in the direction of the Club building, pushing herself forward as if all of Hell was after her and Seonghwa followed suit half a second later, catching up quickly despite her best efforts. The Speed Skater was Usain Bolt not just on the ice, it seems.

"FUCK OFF! FUCK OFF!" she wailed, tiny legs resiliently trying to keep up with the pace. "I NEED THE FULL RINK THIS TIME, MY COMPETITIONS ARE COMING."

"AND?" he shouted back mercilessly, already up the steps towards the doors of the building. "SO ARE MINE, BITCH. YOU AIN'T SPECIAL."



"I'M POOR," she panted out, finally reaching the top step, fighting her physical shortcomings to catch up to Seonghwa's heel. "THE BOOKING FEES ARE WAY TOO EXPENSIVE."

Sneaker soles squeaking and hard against the polished marble floors of the Club building, the pair charged towards the arena. This was life or death. The real deal. The big match.

Only there was no winner.

Seonghwa threw the doors open triumphantly, only to be met with his old friend- disappointment.

雪花: SNOWFLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now