fourteen: please please please

55 10 38

don't make me hate you prolifically

"Uh-uh, you aren't getting anywhere until you explain the scandalous details of what has been floating around

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"Uh-uh, you aren't getting anywhere until you explain the scandalous details of what has been floating around."

Wonwoo, true to his star Ice Hockey player role, was excellent at intercepting and blocking people. Especially a considerably tinier Hyojin, who was trying her very best to avoid the nth confrontation about the whole Seonghwa thing.

"I told you, I was just kidding," she groaned. "Deadass for real, bro. Trust me. You'd be the first to know if I have a crush on anyone- Okay maybe second, I'll probably tell Jennie first. But anyway, you'd know if I ever like like anyone."

Although she's always out hanging out with her Seolhwa friends more often than not, her closest confidant was still her roomie Jennie.

"Aw, poor Seonghwa," the Ice Hockey captain sent his condolences. "I think he really likes you, you know."

And this, my friends, is how rumours begin.

"I think you're full of shit," Hyojin quipped back. "Stop tryna play matchmaker to the worst match Hell has ever considered."

Mingyu giggled a little at that, but all glee was wiped off his face when Wonwoo gave him a nasty pointed look.

"Okay wait, what about the whole confessed to you in front of the whole middle school thing?" the Jeon boy demanded. "That shit's serious, pal. I was so shaken I shook."

"I don't even remember that happening," the girl complained. "Really, where have you been hearing this from? Mingyu?"

Hyojin looked at said boy accusingly, eyes narrowing into slits.

"No," Mingyu quickly denied, finding the ceiling very interesting out of the blue. "I don't know anything, don't ask me anything."

Wonwoo cackled, "No no, he was my main information source, don't be fooled."

"Please, don't insult my intelligence. He's such a shit liar even idiots can figure that out."

Wonwoo raised one of his thumbs up, re-enacting most Dads' responses to any texts sent in the family group chat. "Good."

Hyojin then responded with an NPC thumbs up too, "Very good."

"Y'all are so fucking weird," Mingyu sighed. "Why can't you guys be a tad bit cooler like Sicheng and Joy? So embarrassing."

"Oh sorry we can't be all international stars," the girl said sardonically. "We're trying our best right here and now, bro."

The Ice Hockey captain raised his hand. "Oh yes speaking of international," A rueful grin played at his lips. "Guess who's secured to play for Korea in Asia League?"

Both Mingyu and Hyojin turned to him with a big gasp.

"Oh my God, congratulations!" the Jung girl shrieked. "I mean I expected it but oh my God, you're literally so fucking cool, Jeon Wonwoo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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