six: love-hate and maybes

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❝ it's the maybes that will kill you ❞

"So what is this hot threesome thing regarding you, me and Mingyu that I'm hearing about?" Jeon Wonwoo arched a brow at the platinum blonde haired girl sitting across himself

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"So what is this hot threesome thing regarding you, me and Mingyu that I'm hearing about?" Jeon Wonwoo arched a brow at the platinum blonde haired girl sitting across himself.

Hyojin nearly spat out the mouthful of Ice Americano she was sipping in all over her papers. "I swear it was just a distraction to get me out of trouble for coming in extremely late for practice. How did this news spread?"

"That Lee Chan dude on your team's friends with one of the newbies on mine, and boy they sure talk," the Ice Hockey captain chortled. "One of my guys even daringly asked me how it was."

She leaned forward, eyes glittering, "And what did you say?"

"Great, of course," Wonwoo gave the girl a high-five. "What else could I have said?"

It was just the two of them meeting up today. They weren't purposely excluding the Kim boy, don't get them wrong, he just had classes at this very time and both Hyojin and Wonwoo wanted some company for late lunch.

"Gyu's going to have a field day," she cackled. "Oh, this shit ain't gonna die off anytime. Damn, what have I done?"

"Indeed, what have you done?" the boy relaxed back into his seat, smiling. "Anyway, talking about Gyu, he told me something interesting yesterday."

Now it was her turn to raise a brow at him. "Spill the tea," she sipped her darker than her future coffee.

"Yesterday he went to the Coachs' office and informed Coach Kwon that Joy had returned, then told him that sending her for the KSU Presidential Cup was probably going to get y'all a higher chance of winning some prestige or some shit," he eyed the girl carefully, trying not to hurt her feelings.

"Wow, what a douche," Hyojin grumbled. "He tried to get me replaced? Motherfucker."

She understood why Mingyu would suggest such a thing though, she couldn't be compared against Joy. They were just too different. It was like comparing the taste of chalk and cheese. No, no and also no, do not do that. Do not taste chalk, for fuck's sake. Without much difficulty, everyone could conclude that Joy was way up and above and Hyojin was barely even considered the dirt under her shoe. No matter how hard Hyojin worked, she would always fall second to Joy.

"Well, Coach Kwon then told him that in his eyes, all his skaters are equals and basically told Gyu to shut the fuck up if he had nothing better to say," Wonwoo continued quickly.

The girl was grinning from ear to ear, "In Coach Kwon, we trust. I knew that guy had my back. Man's the real bro. Fuck Mingyu."

He couldn't help but laugh at that, "Wait, that's not the end yet. Then afterwards, Park Seonghwa who was in the same office at that very moment called him out at the corridors."

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