nine: beautiful

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beauty is strangely various.
there is beauty in light and joy and strength exulting; but there is also beauty in shade, sorrow and sadness, and humility oppressed

 there is beauty in light and joy and strength exulting; but there is also beauty in shade, sorrow and sadness, and humility oppressed ❞

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Hyojin let out a frustrated huff when her body slapped the ice for what felt like the hundredth time. She slides a few feet before losing momentum and stopping.

With a ringing laugh, Sicheng carved his graceful approach towards her and yanked her up, lean muscled arms flexing under his long sleeves.

"Ouch," he brushed the ice off her legs, muted amusement dancing in his eyes. "That definitely looked like a bruising in the making."

The girl let out a grumble that sounded too awfully like 'damn right' and twisted her arm over, propping her chin on her shoulder to check out the pretty scrape she'd earned.

"Oof," the Chinese boy whistled, a small smile playing on his lips. "That sucks."

The girl slapped his arm, hard, "Shut up. Why don't you try it, huh?"

That smile grew wider. "Didn't wanna make you feel shittier," he said nonchalantly as he pulls the jump off anyway. Swirling his body about, he tilted forward onto his toe picks and before Hyojin could fully comprehend what he was doing, he had pushed himself back up, now in the air, the skates on his feet gleaming like quick silver. Seconds later, he was grounded, his landing light and immaculate, clarity of technique crystal. In comparison to Hyojin's abrupt crash and slide, Sicheng landed like a feather, floating through the vast emptiness of air. Gloatingly, he twirled a full circle around her before stopping in front of her.

"Geez, flex," Hyojin complained, then something in her switched. "How do you do that so cleanly though?" She looked up at him with big, hopeful eyes.

The Chinese boy flicked her head, "By not insulting professionals."

"Fine fine," she put her hands together in a begging motion. "Enlighten me please, great Grandmaster Dong."

It was yet another regular practice session. They'd finished their routine stretching and warm-ups, now moving onto covering their individual jumps and spins. Hyojin who'd the highest failure rate at Lutz jumps was pointedly advised by Coach Kwon- who was actually here at practice for once after God knows how long- to practice it until she could at least pull it off ⅛ times. A far throw considering she was currently at 1 out of 20 times, and that was when she was in tip-top condition.

Sicheng cocked his head, "Is that the best you can do?"

Hyojin nearly whacked him right there and then. Swallowing her pride, she clapped her hands together again. "Will the most handsome, most talented, best boy Sicheng please teach me how to pull off such an immaculate splendour?"

He was still staring at her, unfazed, that irritating smirk riddling his lips.

Letting out a final hiss, she shot her last shoot. "Please, koibito (sweetheart)?" The word felt almost painful to say, but she did it anyway.

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