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~Everything is alright until it isn't.
Everyone is there until they aren't.
Staying quiet works until it doesn't.
Thought thee were alone until thee weren't.~

It was about three in the afternoon when she entered her small dorm, just finished having her last period which was, disgustingly, maths. The room was illuminated by the red led lights which the girl had forgotten to turn of in the morning.

She plopped her bag down on the navy blue bed sheets which were still a little wrinkled. 'Another day has passed, so close to spring break but yet so far' she thought to herself, dramatically clenching her heart while looking at the tall mirror in front of her.

'What were you thinking' she though as she pinched the sides of her yellow top. It was actually quite a nice outfit, well not by her standards apparently, but to everyone else's her style was actually quite pleasing.

A yellow top covered in cherries, with light blue jeans which were cuffed at the ankle, with dr marthens which had quite a tall heel, unfavourable thinking about how her classes were quite a distance away from each other, but to finish the look she had a few butterfly clips in her hair and a citrine ring on her right hand.

She went to open her closet where she took out an oversized yellow shirt and simple black leggings. It was warm but yet not warm enough to wear shorts.

As she pulled off her shirt she immediately snapped to grab her phone, disconnecting it from the airpods and pressing 'shuffle' on her Spotify playlist.

'Jasmine' by dpr live starts playing. She presses the up volume button and lightly shuffles to the beat as she finished putting the shirt and leggings on. A short sigh escapes her lips as she lays on the bed and pulls the laptop out of her backpack.

It takes her a few seconds toget her mind wrapped around the day, so she just vibes to the song for the remaining time while opening the tabs she needed, quietly singinh the lyrics.

'What did I have to do again?' the girl exclaims, knowing well that she forgot.

She opens her email to make sure she doesn't miss anything. She then writes her tasks for the afternoon on a sticky note which she places on the bed post to make sure she doesn't forget anything.

'Alright so the rest of the questions from the paper for maths, the portrait sketch for art and the code for the algorithm for IT... I mean I have IT next week so I will do it tomorrow...' She talks to herself quietly as she starts doing the maths questions first.

The phone which was on the desk in front of the wardrobe suddenly rings. The girl gets up with a grunt knowing that she will probably have to stay up late as she will get too distracted now.

She picks up the phone to be met with the same nerdy Brown eyes. Seeing that face made her crack a small smile.

'Hello Mina' the girl says quite monotonously.

'Hi y/n,' the girl through the phone smiles 'I wanted to ask if you wanted to play minecraft later since I just woke up, like, maybe in an houe or so'

'I just started doing my maths homework dude' y/n complains as she lays down on the bed again, looking at the equations. 'Do you think you could help me after we are done? I don't get any of this'

'Oh yeah sure what topic are you on though?' Mina questioned with a big yawn following.

'Like trigonometry...' the girl cried as she rolled to the edge of the bed, looking at the cieling. 'When will I ever need that?' she dragged the last word.

'Probably never but yeah sure I can help you with that' Mina said enthusiastically 'okay but cya later, I'll give you a call, love you'

'Pft alright, bye' y/n huffed with a laugh as she rolled of the bed completely while Mina ended the call. She was laying on her back in the small distance between the wall and her bed.

Blooming // Technoblade x fem!reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now