Chapter 20

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Y/n and techno had packed away the things they had out and had fixed up the car. They were finally ready to go back home from the not so nice experience they had.

Techno insisted on driving and y/n agreed as her shoulder couldn't take the pain of being stretched for so long.

He got in the driver's seat while she laid in the back seats, stuffing a pillow in the foot space so she couldn't hit her head or fall off.

'Should I play some music?' She asked pulling her phone from the bag. It had a small crack on it but still worked.

'Yeah sure, just let it be something chill alright?' He said and started the car.

She shuffled through some songs while humming a quiet melody. She suddenly found a song and pressed play, not picking a playlist instead.

'The cute bomber jacket you've had since sixth form' she smiled singing the lyrics quietly and closing her eyes.

'Adorned with patches of places you've been' techno spoke without merely singing. 'You really like wilbur don't you?'

'His music is great, I don't really know him as a person though' she said crossed her bent legs.

'He's pretty nice, smarter than he looks' he began, bringing his shoulders up. 'I mean not as great as me but still works'

'Sure' she said in an over ironic tone. 'Judging by his songs he seems quite nice'

'He blew up a nation' techno said like it was nothing

'He what?' Y/n nearly choked on air.

'And committed minor terrorism' he continued. 'In a video game'

'Oh god, for a second I thought you meant the second one actually seriously' she said placing a hand over her chest.

'Yeah he was being all angsty and sad and revolutional' he smiled, memories from the dream smp coming to him.

'Wait so you had like a game server together?' She asked genuinely interested.

It was beginning to lighten up as techno and y/n had left the forest at about four in the morning. The sun had begun rising and was lightly shining on techno's left side.

'Yeah on minecraft, with a lot of people' he said looking down for a split second. 'There is this guy Tommy, you two are equally annoying and childish'

'I am taking that as a compliment, if Tommy is like me then he is fucking awesome' she said as she looked at her phone to see the name of the new song that begun playing.

'Yeah you two are the same just different fonts' techno said with a small chuckle.

'Wait there is this minecraft person' she paused for a moment. 'He is like really cracked but died to like a baby zombie or something'

'Oh that should be Phil' techno smiled widely. 'He is old but nice'

'Why are you describing your friends as smarter than he looks, annoying and childish and old but nice' she looked at him and giggled.

'Because that's what they are, they are still not bad though' he said thoughtfully.

'So are those your only friends or are there more?' she began asking questions curiously.

'They are my close ones. Actually there is this thing, SBI' he began as if he was telling a story. 'Sleepy bois inc, Me, Tommy, Phil and Wilbur'

'That's a swag group from what I've heard of them so far' she said and yawned.

Blooming // Technoblade x fem!reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now