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As normal as it sounds, Abaddon had been acting strange, and even the people around her had noticed it more than once. Ever since their last little spy mission, she had been creepy on a whole new level, starting to hyperventilate if all her friends happened to be in the same room.

Cat knew it was mostly because of Trevor and Dennis, but she didn't have much time to bother with her, same goes for Mouse.

Trevor didn't like to intervene much in her squeaky habits and pretended not to notice them, even if it meant looking straight ahead as she jotted in this new notepad she'd gotten rather insanely. He had made it a rule to not react when she was in one of those kinds of moods.

And Dennis? Well, he had not cared about anyone much in a long, long time.

It was yet another one of her strange days, and Abaddon's fingers flew over the keyboard, a creepy grin on her face.

This is going to be gold~, she sang, swinging back and forth with an overload of excitement.

"You have to accept it, and learn to live with it! " he snapped, running a hand through his hair. The tension in the room felt so thick that he could cut it with a knife but they had to solve this, whatever this was.
"I can't" Dennis said, and Trevor sighed, shaking his head before looking at him. "You can, Dennis. You have to. I-I care for you too much to watch you throw your life away like that, chasing a dream." he said softly, and Dennis bit his lip, looking away from Trevor's intense gaze which made his lip quiver.
He was confused, terribly confused. What did Trevor think of him? Did he think of him as a friend? Or did he also feel the sparks of love which had ignited in Dennis's heart the moment their eyes met. Trevor's deep brown orbs with his striking blue. Like land and sky.
Were even they not meant to truly be, only create an illusion of being together, like the land and sky at the horizon? His heart felt heavy, his mind felt giddy, when Dennis felt a hand clasp around his arm. His breath hitched up, and he closed his eyes, as the person turned him around, painfully slowly.

"What are you writing?"

Abby shrugged, not looking up from her laptop as likely plot twists swam in her mind. The possibilities were endless!

"Hey, what do you think is better? Trevor keepi-" she turned to the person sitting beside her and let out a squeal, clutching her laptop to her chest, making Dennis narrow his eyes suspiciously.

"What are you doing here? We weren't supposed to meet until noon!" Abaddon accused, poking him in the chest.

Dennis raised an eyebrow. "It is noon." he said, shooting her a disgusted look. "And what does Trevor have to do with our project?" he added, his sceptical gaze making her feel like she was on a minefield. One wrong word and it'll all blast up in her face.

Abby laughed nervously, looking way before making a face. She turned her eyes heavenwards.

God, she though, I know I said I was an atheist. I've returned, now, and I'm all yours.

"We have just a few days left till the deadline, so if you could hurry the fuck up, that would be great." Dennis dead-panned, and Abaddon turned to him with an animated smile, and nodded so hard, she felt like a bobble-head.

Dennis gave her a curious look, but she paid no heed and quickly shut her laptop, and jumped up.

"Let's go and discuss!" she said, and skipped down the corridor.

Dennis just sighed, like a mother tired of her destructive child, and followed Abaddon wearily.


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