Mason Jars?

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What. Just. Happened.

Abaddon was surprised. Who could have possibly said such a simple yet snarky remark? It couldn't have been Dennis, that was way too over his ability of speech. And the fact that he was as surprised as Abby added that it wasn't him. It wasn't Mouse either since he wasn't one to make perverted jokes. He was more on the Cloud-9 side of life.

"No need to look so dumbfounded you know. It's not like a revealed your entire life secret or anything."

All three heads turned to look at the source of the words, and sure enough, there it was, sitting at the back of the class, legs propped up on the table.

Everyone stared at the person sitting there, wondering how they could have possibly missed a living, breathing body in the class.

He was as good looking as Dennis, honestly. He had the same masculine features, but with murky green eyes. But, she personally thought Dennis was better.

Wait what am I saying?

Abaddon realized the empty siłence and constant stare at the stranger, so she quickly shifted her eyes and gained her composure.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Trevor Mason." The stranger answered. "Mason as in those jars that chicks dig these days. The ones they put random shit in. Except I'd rather be the one to put something in them if you know what I mean."

Dennis muffled a slight chuckle, amused by Trevor. Abaddon on the other hand just looked utterly disgusted.

"What an introduction. And why exactly did you decide upon yourself to have a say in our conversation?" Abby asked him with an unamused look.

"Oh come on. It was right there. I had to take that chance." Trevor said, before donning a smirk. "Don't act like you didn't like it. I saw that blush."

Abaddon scoffed. "Please, the time anyone will ever find that a compliment is when Mouse grows the balls to confess to Cat."

"Hey, don't drag me into this." Mouse whined, turning away with a pout and leaning against Dennis for support. Of course Dennis roughly pushed him away, leaving Mouse alone to mutter about having no back up and people being unsupportive.

"Heh, I like you. You're feisty. Not like the other girls. Usually I'd have them swooning by now." Trevor said, with a smirk.

"Ew. Unlike those uncontrollable little whores, I have taste and dignity. And also class. Something you don't seem to have."

An ooooohhhh ~ burn escaped from Mouse's lips from spectating.

"You aren't ever going to get a piece of this ass thank you very much. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go and sanitize my eyes after having to look at...that." Abaddon got up and strutted away, leaving the three guys alone in the classroom.

"She's just a bowl of cherries ain't she? I still like her though. So how did you two manage to handle her?" Trevor asked.

"Oh, I knew her since kindergarden. She's always like that. I've learnt to live with it. Sometimes." Mouse answered, with a sigh.

"And what about you? You don't look like you say much."

Dennis let out a sigh. "She's a pain in the ass, but I can't seem to get her off of me. She's like a leech."

Mouse gasped. "So now you talk to a total stranger but you never opt to talk to me? I'm hurt Dennis." He faked a dramatic sob.

Dennis simply rolled his eyes. "You seem normal enough. Unlike this emotional whoopie cushion here." He said, while Mouse gave him a hurt look. "How come I haven't seen you in class before?" He asked Trevor.

"I've always been in Photography, just not in the class. Too busy mingling, you know. I came just to see what you guys do all day. Obviously not much. So who is that girl anyway?"

"Abaddon. She's rather...straight forward. I know." Mouse answered. "I don't know why she keeps lingering onto you though. Usually she hates the sight of people." Mouse answered, before looking at Dennis to see what could possibly be special about him.

Dennis just shrugged.

- - -

Little pieces of shit. Think they can just get any girl they want. As if...

Abaddon was annoyed at the guy she had unfortunately had to meet yesterday. He was too fucking egotistical. And when did he find the right to sass her back? That's was her thing.

She had left the group hanging yesterday, irritated by Trevor. Hopefully she wouldn't have to see his face, that narcissist, today. She made her way to the cafeteria, as she searched around to find her little group of retards.

And to her utmost despair, Trevor was with them.

Why? She didn't know. How could that Dickface possibly decide to associate himself with them? Who gave him the right to crack a joke and send everyone laughing. Who?

And to top it up, even Dennis was there, lightly smiling in amusement as whatever the hell Trevor was saying.

Damn he looks fine as fuck when he smiles. Look at those cheekbones.

Abaddon snapped out of her little moment, before stomping to the table, obviously not amused.

"And who the fuck invited you?"

Trevor looked up to see a very annoyed Abaddon, her arms crossed and her foot tapping. "Oh come on, you're so uptight. We just started off bad."

Cat looked at Abaddon. "He's not bad at all Abby. He's hilarious. And very charming." She said with a smile. Trevor winked at her, making her blush faintly.

Abaddon saw Mouse, his eye twitching as he was stabbing his lunch with a fork, clearly not amused.

At least I'm not the only one that hates him.

Trevor looked up at Abaddon again, giving her a smirk. "Come on, you heard her. I'm not a bad guy. We just got off on the wrong foot."

Abaddon scoffed, but in the end, she reluctantly sat down, looking defeated.

"So, Catharine, how was your day?" Trevor started. "Oh just fine. And yours?" "Oh it was uneventful, until I met such a fine sight like you."

Mouse scoffed.

"No need to be jealous Marcus, you can have her all to yourself if you want. She's yours to bang."

Catherine choked on her water while Abaddon laughed. Mouse say there dumbfounded. "Hey, I guess you aren't that bad. Despite your perverted jokes." Abaddon admitted. Trevor smirked, "I told you I'm not that bad."

Dennis just watched the little group chatter on, giving faint smiles of amusement here and there. He was amused by Trevor's antics. He answered quite wittily to remarks. And he seemed to be a people pleaser.

He was also pleased that Trevor managed to draw Abaddon's attention away from him for once. That was a relief, since she was always basically hanging onto him. She seemed a lot happier, thank god. He might have finally got her off his back. He could now listen to the conversation in peace.

Just as he was sighing in relief of having Trevor in the group to distract everyone, Abaddon leaned towards him, and donned a smug look.

"I know what you're thinking. Don't worry about him. You'll always be my favorite."


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