Draw Me Like Your French Girls

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Abaddon felt a surge of pure brilliance, as she mentally patted her back at the impromptu idea of getting a reaction, a proper one, that she'd gotten. It was, truly, nothing short of brilliance. She could see it had worked, as Dennis looked on, his expression a mixture of annoyance and discomfort.

She strutted as casually as she could, to the easel, and sat on the chair, and smiled sweetly.

Well at least that was what she tried for. For all she knew, she probably looked like a grandpa at a strip club.

She could see Cat giving her a weird look, as she distractedly talked to the girl she'd chosen for a partner, apart from all the girls who had their eyes fixed on Dennis, who in turn, eyed her suspiciously, probably wondering if he should advice a physiatrist.

She won't be surprised of he did. She got that a lot.

"Go on." she urged, and his look of disdain turned into a proper frown. "That's a dumb request." he spoke, crossing his arms defiantly. She groaned.

"It's not a request." she snapped, waving her hand towards the easel, " It's an order. It's art, Dennis."

His name sounded weird on her tongue, and she suddenly felt awkwardly stalkerish. He probably felt that too.

Fuck it.

"I presume you do not know that you are talking to a rather experienced artist. I've sold a painting or two, thank you very much. I know what I'm doing." she fibbed, and grabbed a brush. "So take off that clothing, and pose for me, and I'll paint you like my french girls."

She winked at him, then shrugged. "Not that I've ever really painted a French girl, but you get the gist."

Her face fell, her joke receiving no other reaction apart from a weird look. It's a start, she consoled herself

"Lovely! " A shrill female voice made Abaddon jump, squealing loudly. She turned, eyes wide, to face the teacher, who looked at them, okay, at Dennis, with a doting look. "A beautiful celebration of art."

Abaddon frowned. "I..." her voice faltered as the teacher grinned creepily.

"I feel it would be a wonderful way, a beautiful way of expression. After all, that is what art is all about! Self expression, showing what is on your mind. It'll be wonderful. " Her eyes shone, and Abaddon could see Dennis back up slightly.

She almost felt bad. Almost.

"That is what I told him!" she cried, and sighed, shaking her head sadly. "I'm disappointed Dennis doesn't feel the same way, and doesn't appreciate art..." Looking up at him, she bit her lip.

"I'm not doing this shit." he muttered simply, his eyebrows furrowed. Did he ever, ever show any type of emotion?

The teacher's face fell. "Well, I feel you're putting your marks at stake. Your partner-"

"I was joking." Abaddon interjected hurriedly. She didn't know she would get serious and ask him to strip then and there or else loose his marks in the class. She mentally grimaced, not at the through of Dennis stripping, but at the perverted mind of the teacher.

She could almost hear the sigh that escaped both their lips, the teacher's and her very angry project partner's. Something told her this wasn't going to be all roses.

With an almost depressed face, the teacher walked out, leaving Abaddon and Dennis, while they gave each other an irritated frown.


The rest of the class was passed rather quietly, both the partners giving each other dirty looks, curious stares and irritated glances at regular intervals. It was terribly boring, as both sat on their respective chairs, hands clasped and placed on laps or draped behind the chair casually.

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