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Bouncing on her toes 19 year old Camila Cabello rummaged in her purse for the key to her new apartment.

Her first apartment.

High school now seemed like nothing more than a dream as she embarked on her first year of college

Her first apartment, her first year of college, the words spun in her head like some kind of futuristic dream but here she stood, in front of the apartment door, ready to turn the key and take the first step into her future

"That's my apartment" Said a deep voice from behind her and she spun with such shock that her arms came to rest on the chest of the intruder "And now you're touching my apartment and my body without my permission"

Looking up into the face of her accuser she took in the almost shoulder length chocolate coloured curls and the creamy texture of his skin, the dark honey coloured eyes that were framed with long, thick black lashes and then her gaze stopped on his full, pink pout and she felt herself ready to drool

"I'm not food" he informed her "Put that spit away"

"Sorry" she dropped her gaze to her feet and knew she was blushing. "Room 13, it's mine...see!" she held up the shiny silver key with the red tag emblazoned with 13 in big black numbers

"Well guess what..." the boy held up an identical key "Snap! It looks like we're roomies... Roomy"

"Oh my God this is so exciting" Camila began bouncing again as the boy put his key into the lock and turned it, allowing the door to slowly open "My first apartment, my first college, my first 'roomy'" walking in she gazed around, her dark eyes huge and filled with excitement

"It's a lousy college dorm, it's not worth the" he flapped his arms around mimicking the way she had and attempted to make his eyes as wide as possible

"It is to me..." She said quietly, almost embarrassed that she had shown her excitement to this stranger

"Biggest rooms mine"


He glared down at her, daring her to question his authority and she was ashamed at how easily she shrunk beneath it.

"I hope someone sowed kippers into your curtains and the biggest room stinks" She taunted as she almost skipped past him and went from room to room oohing and awwing at everything she saw

"How old are you?" his question seemed more like a demand so she stopped in her steps and turned to him


"Then why do you act like a child? "

"I'm excited... I'm happy"

"Well don't be so excited and so happy in front of me, it makes me want to puke all over you" as he spoke he stepped closer and looked down at her with a look she didn't recognise but she liked the way it made her insides tingle

Yes she was 19, she was fresh out of high school, she was looking to an open and passionate life before she fell into a career and family. She was excited to be away from her over baring family for the first time in her life and yet here she was, shrinking under the overbearing attitude of a room mate to be.

"I have never lived alone" she offered in all honesty

"And you aren't all alone now" he replied. A warm chill working it's way from Camilas neck to her hips

"Whats your name?" she asked, her voice no more than a whisper

"Shawn" he replied

"Hi Shawn, I'm Camila" She stuck out her hand but he just looked down at it and walked past her

"Anything I buy you do not touch, I don't share" Camila nodded frantically but his back was still to her "You don't step foot into my bedroom EVER" She nodded again and then he finally turned around and looked her over from her feet to her high ponytail "That is unless I invite you in" He raised an eyebrow and Camila felt her face begin to burn at the thought of being invited into any boys bedroom let alone someone as beautiful and terrifying as Shawn.

"Okay my rules now!" Camila declared excitedly but Shawn just walked past her once more, picked up his discarded backpack and then walked into his bedroom kicking shut the door

"I guess we can uh... discuss them later then" Camila said to herself as music began to blast from behind Shawns door "Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting year"

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