Flash Forward (February)

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Shawn lay in the darkness and let the small hands move over him.

First she stroked over his chest and then down his torso, gently tracing the lines of his abs in the blackness

He felt her breath hot against his neck as he told himself no matter what happens he won't give in.

Yes he would allow her to touch him because he loved the feel of her skin on his but he wouldn't touch back, he wouldn't give her what she wanted from him, not now, not again.

"Mmmm" She hummed in his ear as her hand dipped just below the waist band of his sleep shorts before she pulled it back out and began running her fingers down the side of his face and neck and then pushed them into not his hair, massaging his scalp with her finger tips as she pressed the first kiss to his cheek.

He wanted to say her name, he loved how it sounded when he whispered it into the darkness but he kept his mouth clenched closed, he refused to participate but was unable to tell her to stop. The vanilla scent of her hair and the warmth of her breath casting a spell he had fallen under months ago and was powerless to break.

"You like that don't you? When I put my hands in your hair"

He said nothing

"I know you do, your cheeks go pink" she dropped a kiss onto each cheek as if to prove a point as he managed to turn his head to the side so he was facing away from her but this left his neck open and it didn't take her a second before she was taking full advantage of the newly exposed skin.

She started off with soft, gentle kisses, peppering them over the smooth skin of his throat but his scent was making her hungry for more as she tugged roughly at his hair and sucked hard on his throat, willing him to participate, desperate for that second when he would snap.

It was coming... it always came but he insisted on putting them both through this beautiful hell first.

Ghosting her fingers down his side and then over his abs she had to know, she could guess but she had to know for sure that she was effecting him the way she wanted to so she let her fingers head further south, brushing over the proof that once again she had him right where she wanted him

"You're so hard" she whispered into his ear, making sure her lips touched the shell and loving the way it made his body shudder "I did that" she continued "and I could do so much more if you would just give in"

He knew she was right, knew the places that she could take him but he had promised himself not tonight, not again, never again.

Her fingers wrapped gently around his wrist before lifting his hand. Again he didn't fight against it, didn't pull his from her grip the way he should instead he tried to focus on his breathing and tried to ignore the way his body was beginning to burn.

His palm being pressed against the soft flesh of her naked breast caused any blood that wasn't already flooding his groin to head south, her voice moaning softly as she placed her fingers over his and encouraged him to squeeze the mound

"Fuck, Shawn" she groaned, knowing full well the way her dirty mouth turned him on "that feels so good. You are making me so wet and you aren't even trying"

In fact he was trying everything he could to ignore her, to ignore the feel of her breast in his hand, her nipple hard for him the way his dick was for her but he had said never again and he had meant it but she knew just what to do to make him question it and doubt it.

Moving his hand down her body she didn't stop until he was fully cupping her sex. Pushing his middle finger with hers she moaned as it pressed firmly into her entrance before she lifted it to her lips and sucked hard, taking his full finger into her mouth and then moving her lips up and down in a way she had moved her mouth against another part of him on more than one occasion

"I taste great" she said whilst moving down the bed "but then again you know that, don't you Shawn since my pussy is your favourite meal"

Pulling back the covers she began kissing his throat and then chest and she celebrated a small victory when she sucked his nipple into her mouth and she saw his fingers curl into fists. Next she trailed her tongue down over his abs, circling his tummy button and then following the trail of fine hairs south, stopping at the elastic of his waistband and then biting down on it.

Moving even further down the bed, she nipped at his dick that was straining against the thin fabric of his shorts

"Come out, come out where ever you are" she sang, the heat of her breath burning through both the material and the last thread of Shawns self control as he quickly put his hands on her sides and slammed her onto the bed next to him, this time she was on her back and he was hovering over her.

Taking both wrists in one of his hands he greedily grabbed for her breast with his free hand whilst his mouth came down on the nipple of the other one and he began to suck and bite at the same time as he squeezed and then rolled her other nipple with his thumb and forefinger causing her to gasp and moan in pleasure

"You wanted it" He all but growled as he pushed a finger into her

"I did" she confirmed as she raised her hips and began to fuck his finger "God you are so good"

"And you are so wet"

"And so fuckin turned on. Only you do this to me Shawn. Only you."

He quickly grabbed both of her legs in one arm and without warning buried himself as deep as he could in that warm, wet heaven and began to move.

Harder and harder he thrusted as she raised her hips and met him move for move but he wanted more, needed more so he released her legs and then flipped her onto her stomach, pulling her backwards to the edge of the bed and then pushing inside her once more, the skin of her ass slapping loudly against his lower belly

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" he chanted as he reached forward and took her breast in his hand once more, the pressure on her nipple proving the move that caused every part of her to give way as she came harder than she ever had before, gasping and panting and with no time to recover before he scooped her up and slammed her back down onto her back before crawling over her and pushing into her, the frantic speed of his actions telling her he was getting close and when he began to growl curse word after curse word as his fingertip dug down hard on her hip bone she knew the job was done

His hand immediately spreading her thighs as his mouth came down onto her still sensitive spot telling her the night was still young


Camila sat at the breakfast table and chuckled into her coffee mug as Shawn went out of his way to ignore her.

He slammed doors and banged items down onto the counter, his hair a mass of untamed curls being the only evidence to anyone observing the scene of the way they had spent the night time hours

She didn't attempt to talk to him, she knew it would be pointless so she drank her coffee and ate her cereal in silence just enjoying the show

The sound of someone knocking on the front door caused both Shawn and Camila to jump but he immediately turned back to the toast he was incinerating leaving Camila to push herself from her seat and walk lazily to the door

"Morning Camila"

"Hey Allie, you're early this morning"

"I just couldn't bare to be apart from my boyfriend any longer she said happily as she walked through the apartment and threw herself into Shawns arms "Camila, did I tell you Shawn's the best boyfriend ever?"

"You did but did I ever tell you he's the worst room mate ever?" She asked whilst shaking the empty milk carton that had been put back into the fridge

"You did. I don't know how you two manage to survive as room mates when you hate each other so much"

"We make it work" laughed Camila as she winked and then exited the kitchen pleased at the look of annoyance covering Shawns face

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