December (Part 2)

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Shawn stood outside Camilas door with his palm flat against the wooden surface. Usually at their time of night he wouldn't even give it a second thought, he would shower, pull on some sleep shorts and then get into Camilas bed and throw an arm over her ensuring she was safe from any unwanted intruders but tonight, no matter how long he stood there, no matter how much he heard her toss and turn he couldn't bring himself to turn the handle and walk inside

Something had changed today or perhaps it had been slowly changing for a while but today was the first time he could no longer deny it to himself.

Turning away he walked to his own bedroom, shut the door, turned off the lights and then climbed into bed where he lay alone with his thoughts


Her voice was quiet but he could tell she was standing at his door

"Not tonight Camila" he said harshly as he covered his eyes with his hands

"But I can't sleep"

"That's not my problem"

"Can I come in there with you?"

"No you can't come in here with me. Go to sleep Camila"

"I can't!"

Shawn rolled himself onto his stomach and covered his head with his pillow. Lying in silence and ignoring the begging of his room mate. Eventually he heard her story footsteps leaving his door and returning to her room and he sighed out in relief that he had escaped another agonising night with her pressed up against him, his arm over her, hands so close to her but unable to touch anything he wanted to

"Fuck..." he groaned before pushing the covers from him and standing up. Pausing briefly to look himself over in the mirror he huffed as he straightened his curls and lowered the waistband of his shorts so his v-line was in plain sight

This wasn't going to be his usual late night visit, he acknowledged that immediately

Would she accept his advances?

Would she want him?

he wasn't sure but what he was sure of was that he had held himself back for as long as he possibly could

he had told himself no, held his hands in place when they had been desperate to wander but today, with talk of make out sessions and the look of Camila in the lace top, Shawns resolve had been broken, he knew if he went into her room and laid with her he wouldn't be able to stop himself from touching and tasting what he had been so desperate to get his hands on for months now

Standing at her door he heard the obvious sniff of tears

"Why are you crying?" He asked without stepping a foot inside

"I'm scared"

Shawn walked silently to the bed

"You're on my side" he complained as he climbed in and pulled the covers over both of them

"They wont come back will they?" She asked as she wriggled so she was as close to him as possible, her ass rubbing against his groin provoking a reaction he knew she must be able to feel

"They won't be back, I dealt with it" he wrapped his arm over her and for some reason she took his hand and laced their fingers together, squeezing tightly and he didn't pull away

"Mmm this is nice" she cooed and he felt her relax in his arms but unfortunately he was feeling anything but relaxed as he lay behind her, as every move she made seemed to arouse him more and more. The way her ass brushed gently against his dick, the way she moved his arm so it lay over her chest, he could feel the softness of her breasts against his skin and it was causing every part of him to blaze hot

Closing his eyes, Shawn attempted to reign in his want. He deepened his breathing and attempted to fill his mind with images of anything that wasn't the tiny brunette that was... purposely rubbing her ass against him

Was she?!

He held his breath and pulled away from her slightly and sure enough she pushed her ass out a little further until it made contact with his hardness once more


"Yes Shawn?" She asked innocently

"Don't" the word croaked out of his throat as ever fibre of his being begged him not to say, to just close his eyes and enjoy the sensation but this was Camila, his innocent room mate, no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't, she didn't deserve her first time to be like that, with him she deserved someone who wanted more than one night with her

"I'm not doing anything" she said and he could swear she's said it with a smile on her lips.

He pulled her closer to him and held her tight around the waist to try and prevent her moving

"sleep" he instructed, praying she took his advice and as soon as she was sleeping he could head into his room and never step foot in hers again.

"Shawn..." it came out almost as a moan and he felt himself twitching in his shorts and knew she must be able to feel it too.

"Sleep" he repeated and closed his eyes knowing she couldn't see him but hoping she would follow his lead but instead he felt her twist in his arms, moving so their noses almost touched and his hardness was now pressing against her stomach

For a few moments they both lay there, silently looking into each other's eyes, sharing breath, feeling the build up of sexual energy between them but neither one willing to make the first move.

Finally, unable to bare the tension any longer, Camila leaned over and pressed her lips to his and Shawn froze, this was happening, the thing he had fought against, promised himself he wouldn't do, he was about to do it

She kissed him again, more forcefully this time as her fingers pushed into his hair and held his face on hers as her lips kissed the top, then the bottom... and in one move Shawn was over her, his dick pressing into her stomach through his shorts as his mouth plundered hers, there was no slow build up from him, he was all in the second his self control gave way, one hand cupping her face as he propped himself up with the other but the sound of his name dripping over her lips like the sweetest honey was enough to bring him back to his senses

"I can't" he gasped pressing his forehead to her shoulder

"Yes you can" She coaxed as she let her finger nails run up and down his spine

"It shouldn't be like this, not your first time, it... it shouldn't be with me"

Camilas laugh suddenly filled the dark air around them "my what?"

Shawns head shot up "you mean it isn't your first time?"

"Oh my God no!" She threw her head back and laughed loudly again "Is that why you're acting so noble?"

"Of course it is. I thought..."

"Why?! When did I ever say anything like that?"

"You didn't. I just assumed cos you're so naive and so... innocent"

"Well it's not, in fact, you're about to make me need my second hand to count on"

"Lucky number 6 hu?"

"Very lucky" she smirked before taking his mouth once more and this time there was no way they were going to stop as they embarked on a first time that would last until the early hours of the morning and then continue every day until Camila returned to Miami for the Winter break.

* so this should have been published with the chapters yesterday

*last four chapters are after she returns from Miami

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